Chapter 1

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Percy's POV

BANG!!!! BANG!!! BANG!!!

"What is it now?" I think to myself, sitting up in my bed. "It's 2:00 in the morning! Who could be knocking on my door at this time?"


Only one person calls me that: Thalia, my cousin. So as soon as I hear her voice I run to open the door.

After hastily opening the door, I pull her in for a hug. It has been a long time since I last saw her.

"Missed you too, kelp head," Thalia grins. "Anyways, Chiron needs Nico, Annabeth, you and me in rec room right now."

As soon as I hear this, I run to IM (iris message) Annabeth who is in Olympus. After the titan war, she had been assigned to redesign Olympus, so she spends most of her time there.

She answers fast and we have a short conversation.

"Hey, seaweed brain," she says smiling.

"Hey, wise girl," I grin back at her. I can see a few tall Greek columns in the background and a few people running about, carrying blocks of stone and marble. It s clear that she has been working.

We talk about her job and how I'm doing at Camp Half-blood for a while until I remember the real reason I called her. I explain to her that Chiron has called an emergency meeting and her grey eyes turn stormy.

"Okay," she sighs. "I'll be there in about five minutes. My mom will transport me."

"Great," I tell her. "I'll see you in a few minutes then!" She breaks the connection and I start getting dressed, smiling when I think about Athena. She hated me for a long time now, but after the war, had decided I was good enough for her daughter and that she in fact, did not wish I was dead after all.

After five minutes, I go to the big house to see everyone gathered around the ping pong table in the rec room.

Chiron is sitting in his wheel chair and everyone is wearing serious expressions.I quietly slide into the empty seat next to Annabeth and listen closely.

"I want to tell you something that you might find hard to believe," he says gravely."There are other beings in this world too, apart from demigods and humans. They are wizards."

We sit there in stunned silence, hardly believing our ears, until Annabetb decides to break it. "Wizards?" dhe says. "Who can perform magic?"

"Wizards and witches," Chiron replies. "And yes, they can do magic."

"Now, they are facing a war and need our help. There is a school for witchcraft and wizardry in England, called Hogwarts. I want you to go there, Percy. You must get them to trust you first, and then you must tell them that you can help them."

"Okay," I say, too shocked to say anything else. I did not even know wizards existed until now.

"There is also something else you should know," Chiron tells me. "Demigods and wizards have had a rivalry for a long time now."

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