chapter 11 The beginning of new Era#

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                                 After the era of 2000 bc of king Feroz Darius rulling on Israel ends with a great disaster falls upon with a very great cruel evil lord . The son of king Feroz Darius ii flew away from Israel with his mother queen Ephra to India came secretaly hide and live their for many years and like this the descendants of king Feroz Darius ii were began raise on the land of different ways of religious beliefs and custom they began  to sacrifice in between all this people of India food culture and all other and by living like this many years had passed away many the children from that tribe only marry the many of indian woman who were not belong really to their cast and dignity and like this they were step into a period when the one of disciple of jesus the man one who was born from their cast only his disciple came on India the apostole Thomas and baptized many with , water and holy spirit by with power of holy spirit . This they get to know that like a man from Israel came over from here and baptized many and the tribe of Feroz took over their wives who were gentile they took their wife's to over this man because they have God's answer that from their own tribe in god will be fulfilled by with flesh and been seek his life to all human race for the redemption of sin and that was the jesus and now when his own disciple was here to seek the salvation with jesus because for he is the only way to the salvation to god they took they wife's to them to be baptized by Thomas on the shore of kerala which situated over in South of India , with this many years had been passed away slowly slowly the phrase of India also began to change in lifestyle also they found changes and after a long years india started to step into a century of time latest latest were came to India and education style were also changed

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