God, He's so Awkward! 6

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Chapter 6

Damon and I walked together holding hands for a while until he stopped and we sat under a tree.

“Will you tell me now?” He asked, sounding more like himself.

“My best friend Elliot almost died in a kitchen fire because he burnt popcorn in the microwave so I started practicing what to do just in case,” I told him. “Elliot still has permanent damage and I don’t know what I’d do if I let that happen to you.”

Damon hugged me tightly and I tried not to get too emotional as I hugged him back. Before I knew it, Damon was kissing me again. I felt his hand slip up to behind my head before we pulled away. I’m guessing his lungs are still a little roughed up. I missed his lips but I didn’t want to hurt him either. Whenever he kissed me, it felt like everything else dropped away and it was just us… I would do anything to make this work if Damon is willing to keep me around. He just smiled widely at me.

“Thank you so much,” He said. He was almost back to normal. He just pulled me back into him and I rested against his chest. I was beyond happy to be here and I took comfort in the fact that I still had another week and a half here.

“Can I talk now?” Damon asked. I nodded and waited for him to say something. “How long are you staying?”

“Another 10 days before I have to fly back to Buffalo,” I replied.

“So that’s where you’re from!” He said and pulled out his phone. “Hey phone!”

“Oh god,” I said too quiet for him to hear and slipped out from under him to sit up.

“So, I almost died today for real but luckily this awesome girl saved my life,” He said and turned the camera on me. “I started a fire in the toaster and inhaled too much smoke but she smashed my window and hauled my sorry ass out of there.”

“Shut up, it wasn’t that heroic,” I said and laid in the grass.

“It was too! I could’ve died!” Damon yelled. “But yeah, that’s my story for today.” Thankfully he turned off the camera soon. “What? Do you not want them to know?”

“I think it will be more fun to see how long it takes them to start guessing,” I told him and got up. “Come on, I’m getting hungry.”

“Alright, but really, are you afraid of them or something?” He asked  me after getting up.

“No Damon, trust me, let’s just have some fun with this first!” I begged him.

“Deal, I won’t tell them anything,” Damon said and kissed me quickly. I almost fell over after that and had to hang onto Damon. He laughed at me and we made it back to the car in about fifteen minutes.

Damon drove us back to Des and Nate’s place and saw everyone had actually stayed there. They welcomed us back with chips and sodas. I sat against Damon’s legs as we watched Transformers. I felt Damon playing with my hair.

“How do girls braid? I don’t understand!” Damon complained and I laughed.

“Switch spots with me and I’ll show you,” I offered and he actually did. I wasn’t expecting that. The funny part was his hair was long enough to braid right now. I also used this as an excuse just to have my hands on his hair. It was really soft.

“Enjoying yourself Jess?” Rachel taunted.

“Shut up,” I said.

“No no, that felt nice!” Damon complained. We just laughed and I continued absently playing with his hair. I found out that he’s sensitive down by his neck. By the end of the movie it was time for dinner so we all went out to some random restaurant. We tried to pick somewhere that had vegan options. We all crammed around one round table and I was stuck between Damon and Rachel. That was when I really realized Rachel and Destery were getting close.

“So, has he asked you out yet?” I asked Rachel bluntly. She knew who I meant, but Des didn’t.

“No, he has not,” She replied and took a sneaky look at Destery. Nathan realized what we were saying and clued in. He elbowed Des quite hard but he still didn’t get it and we gave up. Blake was just trying not to laugh.

“What did you guys do today?” I asked Blake.

“We just filmed a ton,” Blake said. It was nice to spend some time with all of them, Damon was stealing me more often than I thought. Not that I’m complaining.

“Maybe you guys should stay over if you don’t want to go back just yet,” Nathan offered.

“Well they did already steal you overnight,” Blake laughed.

“For the record, Damon gave me his bed and slept on the couch,” I pointed out.

“That is so nice!” Rachel practically squealed and Destery laughed at her. “You can have our room tonight if you want.” Of course she whispered the last bit so I could barely hear.

“That would actually be great, thank you,” Damon said.

When we all finally drove back, Cyr got out.

“So, Rachel said she’s going to get out if you want to stay in my room,” I told Damon while he failed at parking.

“Are you going to make me sleep in the other bed?” He asked with a smirk.

“Only if you want to,” I said and held up my hands. “Or if you try to get in my pants.”

“I wouldn’t dare,” he replied.

“I know, I’m just kidding,” I finished and got out once he finally gave up. We walked up and I showed him my room.

“How long were we out?” He asked, almost laughing.

“A couple hours maybe,” I replied and jumped onto my bed, which was really just a mattress. Damon fell on top of me, being careful not to crush me. I laughed too hard and my sides started to hurt.

“Damon. Get off. PLEASE!” I gasped and sat up once he did. He gently rubbed my back as I tried to catch my breath.

“Go change, I’ll be here,” He told me so I grabbed some stuff before running off to the bathroom. I was only changing into a tank top and some booty shorts. When I got back, Damon was only in his shirt and boxers sitting on my bed. I crawled in behind him and he followed. We kind of just laid there and all I could think was “God, He’s SO awkward!” Just cuz I could, I laid my head on his shoulder and felt his arms wrap around me gently.

God, He's so Awkward! (DeeFizzy FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now