Chapter 1 When everything changed

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"Mina.....Mina" whispered a soft voice. I was in a beautiful place. Willow trees draped over a lake and the waters surface gleamed in immeasurable beauty.

"Mina......Mina" the voice called again. I walked towards the waters edge and looking into the lake. I saw a woman who looked like she could be an older version of myself. The only difference was that she had wings. Fairy wings to be exact. I didn't know if I should be shocked or happy.

"Mina, you are in grave danger. Their are people who will come after you. You must be ready and you must look for me." The woman said in a serious tone.

"What?!? I don't even know who you are and how do you even know my name?" I yelled back in a confused and worried voice.

"Find me...." She whispered. As soon as she finished speaking their was a huge gust of wind and a great wave came from the lake engulfing me in darkness.

I tried to swim towards the surface but could never reach it. This was it I was going to die. I closed my eyes waiting for my life to end hoping this was just a dream.

"Mina! Mina!" a voice yelled. I woke to someone shaking me roughly. It was just a dream. My father looked down at me with a worried expression on his face. "We're you having the dreams again?"

I just looked down at my hands, I could not answer him yet. This had been happening for weeks now. The same dream every time, always waking to my dad shaking me.

"Yeah..." I finally responded in a hushed voice. He looked down at me for a second before replying, "You know you can always talk about it with me right?"

"Yeah, I know dad" I said still shaken by the dream I had just awoken from.

"If you need anything I will be down the hall, breakfast is ready so come in a bit." he said, finally looking a little relieved.

"Ok, thanks dad." I mumbled.

He walked out of the room and closed the door behind him. I sat in a bed a little longer before getting up and going to my dresser. I pulled out a pair of faded capris and a light pink top to go with it. I then went to the desk at the back of my room and pulled out my mirror. I started to brush my long dark brown hair. My blue eyes sparkling with fresh tears from the dream I awoke from. I just wanted the dreams to stop. I was an average 16 year old girl with no mom. She had died when I was very little and I have no memories of her. I've never seen a picture of her either. I've tried to ask my dad about her but he has always changed the subject.

I finished getting ready and headed down to breakfast. My dad was sitting in the living room watching the news. I silently slipped into the kitchen and sat at the table where a plate of pancakes awaited me. I quickly ate my food and got up from the kitchen table. I walked past the living room and called out to my dad, "I'm going to head to the park."

"Alright, just be safe. I love you." he replied still watching the news.

"Love you too dad." I called back.

I opened up the front door and walked down the porch steps. I walked across the lawn and made it to the trail that lead to the park. When I got to the park I found a tree to sit under. I watched my surroundings not really thinking of anything, just needing a break from life.

About 10 mins had passed before I heard a rustling from somewhere behind me. I wasn't sure what it could be but just as I was standing up, someone grabbed my arms from behind me and twisted them behind my back.

"Let go of me!!!" I screamed in fear. Not knowing what was happening.

"Quiet!!" Yelled my attacker.

I turned my head and saw that my attacker was a man probably in his early twenties. He wore a black suit, but their was something off about him. I struggled with all my might to try and get away but his grip just got tighter.

"Ow!" I screamed.

"Stop struggling to get away!" he yelled at me.

His tone scared me into silence. Another man walked towards us dressed similarly to the guy who had my arms pinned behind my back. He looked a bit older, but no less scary.

I glared at him as he walked up to me not knowing what else to do. When he finally stopped in front of me he said, "Hello Mina. We've been looking for you. You are the heir to the throne of Neromira. You have a power that we need so you are going to have to come along with us quietly."

I just state at him in shock for what seems like an eternity before screaming at him, "Are you insane!! what do you mean Neromira? And I have no powers!! This is some kind of joke right!?"

The man just looks at me and says, "You need to stay quiet and come along with us." He then looks to the man holding my arms and says, "Take her away."

The man holding my arms behind my back starts to drag me away and in one last effort I struggle with all my might. "Quit struggling! Your only making things worse for yourself!!" The man yells at me before pulling my arms tighter behind my back.

"Ow!!!" I scream in rage. I suddenly feel a surge of energy that I have never felt before pulse throughout my body.

"Wha...." The man holding my arms starts to say.

Then like a flash of lighting a bright light envelops and sends my attackers flying back with great force.

I then stand alone as my attackers are dazed and lying on the ground. I don't know how long that will last and I know I should get out of here while I can. I start to make a run for it but I then fall to the ground, suddenly weak and tired from what had just happened. I try to get back up and am only able to by sheer force of will. I start running again only to see a bright flash in front of me. I stop dead in my tracks not knowing whether it's a friend or an enemy. As soon as the light has subsided I see a girl about my age standing in front of me.

"Come with me! I can get you to safety!" the mysterious girl yells.

I'm not sure if I should trust her or not, but other things make me believe her. I hear the moans and screams of my attackers as they get up and start running towards me again. The girl in front of me has her hand extended out to me and left with no other options I take hold. She then says something I couldn't quite catch, and then their is another flash of light.

I feel a tug at my entire body and close my eyes. When I open them I see that we are no longer in the park where I was attacked. We are in a beautiful place I have always dreamed existed. The girl who had just saved my life stands in front of me and gestures all around her and says, "Welcome to Neromira."


This is my first story so please let me know how it was!! I will continue to write chapters as I get opinions! Please




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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2014 ⏰

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