2. A little Death

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Cameron's P.O.V

I've just got one more regret to live through, and that one regret is you.

And no I don't mean in the sense that your were a mistake, I mean i messed up. I regret us because of all the flaws we had.

I'd redo it all, within a heart beat


I could no longer ponder on what to write. I still was unsure if I should send it to her. I had been in England no longer than a week and I already regretted leaving her stranded at the airport.

I debated at the parking lot whether to go back in and get her and hug her and just be with her. But I pussied out. I drove home, I locked myself in my room. And I cried and broke things.

My anger had been getting the best of me lately. It worried Nash. I'm sure the others to but they decided to say nothing about the topic.

"Cameron" Aaron said

"Yeah?" I asked

"We have a conference" he informed me

I gave him a thankful nod and got ready.

On the ride there I had decided to look at beaus twitter. I wasn't surprised he tweeted about me. I had to do the same

"@camerondallas: @ me next time ;)"

Within seconds a small tornado occurred on twitter. I put my phone away. Carter and Gilinsky looked at me.

"Really Cameron" Shawn said

"What?!" I asked as obvious to this

"Your tweet you douche!" Jack told me

"It's true! He should be a man and @ me" I told them

"No you should stop your child shit. You don't even know if it was directed to you. And if you have such a problem you shouldn't have left Tiffany for Madison. Or even left her stranded at the airport" Nash snapped

I stayed quiet.

What could I say ?

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