Part One: Shock

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   You sat in the corner of your family room, the smell of alcohol was thick in the room, just as thick as the blood on the floor. Your breath was still erratic, your eyes closed as you tried to calm yourself. Your father had hit you across the side with an empty Scotch bottle, and small pieces of glass were left embedded in your skin. You weren't sure you cared. This had been your life for sone long.. it didn't matter. None of this did. It didn't matter until it ended and it wouldn't. You opened your (e/c) eyes, staring at the passed out figure in front of you. Standing up shakily, you open the blinds.

   The world walked by you, and it angered you. People in this town knew what you went through, but they pretended they didn't know. Because everyone wanted to think this town was perfect. All you wanted was someone to help. Because you couldn't ask. You wouldn't dare open that door. You accidentally let out a shriek of surprise, seeing a police car parked outside your house. Oh my god. You saw a man in the car, staring at you with squinted eyes, puzzled. You shut the blinds with a swift motion hearing a groan from the waste of oxygen that was your father. As quickly as you could, you walked away from the blinds. 

                         ~POV CHANGE~

    Alec had gotten a call about a domestic disturbance. An American had called in, sounding all frantic and weepy. He wasn't surprised that it had taken a tourist. No one in this town gave a shit. They wanted the world to be perfect. But it wasn't. He gave an exasperated sigh, parking the car. First, he just wanted to check out the house. His eyes widened when the curtains open. He squinted to try to get a better look at the girl. He couldn't see much, and he couldn't go in without probable cause. But he got it one moment later. 


 When your father began shouting at you again, you closed your eyes and took it.  He had grabbed you by the collar of your shirt, slamming you against the wall. Why couldn't he be a weak drunk? He dropped you when there was a pounding at the door. Alec hadn't waited to rush in, he just did. Before you knew it, a gun was pulled on your father. You didn't stop him. Finally, your father yielded, and before anything else could be said, Alec had picked you up and got you out of the house. "Easy there," he said.  

   You were frozen. It was over. Oh my god.. it was over. His voice was the only thing you were aware of as your consciousness began fading.  You were limp in his arms. There was nothing to do, nothing to say. Just the shock of knowing it was over.

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