The lagoon part 2

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This is Dallas: shorthaircut1
"it's magnificent,beautiful,amazing!" I said to Jasper as he set me into the water "I didn't bring anything to swim in!" I complained" here" he said tossing me a skimpy bikini "Alice and Rose picked it out." I replied sassily "sure they did." "they did." he said then I walked behind a tall rock and changed into the bikini I came out and my Jaw dropped he had taken his shirt off to swim he was muscular very muscular "come on swim" I said jumping in the pool it looked like something from a fairy tale. "nice isnt it I found it ventureing around looking for food" "I know you don't drink human blood so than how do you survive?" I asked shakely "animal blood that's why our eyes are topaz not ruby." he replied "how exactly were you uh changed?" I asked he began the story "I was the youngest major in the confederate army during the civil war I had just seen to evacuating women and children when I saw them three young girls they were easily the prettiest girls I had seen at the time they talked about killing or changeing me the one Maria said ""I hope you survive you will be great use to me"" she leaned in as if she was going to kiss me than she bit me I writhered in pain for days when I woke up she had put me second in comand of her new born army I never lost a fight I was in charge of destroying them at the year mark I made friends with a newborn Peter who against the odds had survived his first three years he helped me dispose of the newborns he tried to tell me some had potential but I told him no Maria had told me to destroy them all he had take a toll from the death of them I was going to send him away but I didn't I summoned a newborn past the year mark Charlotte he told her to run then ran after her I could of destroyed both of them but I didn't I felt averse to destroying him Maria was mad at me for that five years later he came back on a good day too.I was going to destroy Maria than Peter returned and told me of his life with Charlotte options I never dreamed I had they had never had to fight and met others vamires that existed without constant mayhem. He had me convinced to go I was relieved I didnt have to kill Maria. I walked away without a second glance. I joined Peter and Charlotte for a few more years but I had almost lost all humanity I had lived the newborns emotions as I killed them. Depresstion got worse,and I wandered away from Peter and Charlotte. I kept killing what choice did I have? Than I ran into Alice my sister she was smiling despite what I had done and than she told me that Dylan and Trixy my other siblings had dissapeared,but that is a story for another day..."
"that was a nice story!" I said his lips molded themselves in a frown "did you hear anything I just said?" "I ment about Alice still loving you despite what you did!" "oh" he replied the swept me up in his arms and kissed me it was like nothing I had felt before...

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