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It so happened that dear darling Dormien had a girlfriend and the day he killed mother, he gave her a gift.

When her people started questioning her, she went about searching for him. He always stayed in the topmost room of my house and refused to feed on live food. I had to get him blood from the banks. Anyway, she found out and came towards his window. He saw her protruding belly and went down to meet her. She told him about the baby, some of her folks had come along but decided to maintain a safe distance.

He kissed her forehead and rubbed her belly. He made her promise to bring up the child well, train him in hunting and killing vampires and not to rest until the last vampire was dead. He made her swear to avenge his death.

That's when I knew my folly. He never quite became one of us.
He then tore off his heart with his bear hands and gave it to her.

She held the heart in her hands and left. She told her family about this and raised her son Dormien Jr. who in turn brought up Greg.

Dormien Jr. was reluctant. He didn't want to pass on the job to Greg but when he was about to die, he had to.

Until Dormien Jr. came to his youth and also began hunting, I reigned supreme. But I was always cautious. I allowed my hive to only feed when necessary. In the meantime one of my mates who studied medicine started blood donation camps across the nation to meet our ever growing needs.
That was a very good time for all of us. One of my mates won the elections that year and a steady flow of food was guaranteed.
Everything was perfect.

I had seven sons and three daughters. Each with a special gift. One of my daughters, I named her Dory after Dormien, had the talent of speaking many languages. Clare could run at the speed of the cheetah. Derek my boy, could read minds just like his father Karl. Vlad could lift mountains single handedly, Kron  had healing power. After his drink, he would heal the wound and send the human home all hale and hearty. Jeremy, Grem my son's. Sigh. And I lost them all. They were my first babies.

Many I had to abandon, to shamelessly save myself. Because only I can give birth to a a daughter and only I can make a queen.

Dormien Jr. wanted to take his revenge on me. He held me responsible for the loss of his father, the hardship of his mother and the loss of life. By the time he got married, he had already killed a hundred of my children.

He hunted my drones and my children but could never get to me. I was very careful. I didn't want to repeat my mistake.

Then came a day when he found out that I lived in my palace. It was a beautiful luxurious resort.   We fed on the customers and they never knew. Of course the rule was to let them go home alive to avoid suspicion and also to maintain a steady flow of customers.

We were rich, filthy rich. Humans worked for us without once suspecting us of being vampires. In fact most of them didn't even believe in their existence.

My love nest was always busy. I mated with some of the most handsome men in history. Some of the richest, most accomplished. Yet, I always envied women who could have children. Mine were always dying.

Once I mated, I would have atleast half a dozen eggs. They would be incubated by female drones.

Imagine having almost 6 eggs and that too almost every new moon. You know how many babies I should have that way. But no. Dormien had a knack of finding out if they were human or a vampire and would kill them instantaneously.
My children never had a chance.

I still forgave him, he was after all Dormien s son. But no, he was unrelenting. Every request for a truce failed with him. But he didn't bring in his son even after he came of age. Nope, not until he was mortally wounded did he bring in Greg.

Greg was very clever but his one and only intention was to wipe us out. Since he began hunting, our friends from the other continents refused to come to our house. In fact most of them severed all ties with us.

He discovered my resort, raided it and killed all my children, drones and so many of us. I had to move. He moved along. He was always right behind me.

That's when I decided that I had run enough. This constant fear of being found and killed was actually killing me every day. Karl found a way to keep a newly bitten from becoming a vampire. He would need a Queen's blood after being frozen for thirteen full moons.

Vampires need human blood and as a twist of fate, humans too would need a vampire's.

I got a team of folks to search for Greg. I wanted to bite him, but what if he did what my Dormien did, killed himself and asked his followers to continue? Nah, I wanted to hold him. I needed a weak spot.

I got news that he still had a baby's crib in his room. Aha! His weak spot had been found.

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