A lil fill in cause i was bored and was rereading this.

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"Levi corner it alright?!" Y/N harshly screamed, which was reasonable, since she's currently trying her best to NOT be eaten. Levi obliged, which was strange that he took orders from his wife Y/N.
Your point of view
My brother Eren did his signature scream of rage and totally cornered it before Levi did, throwing him off. "Damn it Eren!" I said, loosing my train of thought, I wasn't paying attention and almost just ran into a tower. "A-AH!" I screamed, and quickly maneuvered in time, only to run right smack in the middle of two other titans. "Shit.." I groaned.
One of them then snatched me right out of mid air, knocking the air out of my already collapsing lungs. "LEVI! EREN!" I screamed, doubting if they'll even hear me. My eyes tested up a bit.


My consciousness suddenly began bursting. I can understand why. Everyone else in the Survey corps at least struggled before they died!
I than began to struggle, and got on arm to move towards my already trapped gear, and I got it to began pushing into the titans hand. The titans screamed and dropped me, I whispered a Small thankful prayer and then maneuvered myself onto its neck, chopping its chunk off. "Yeah! One point for Y/N!"
I watched as a shadow above me then took his sword and sliced the neck off the beast in front of me. The titan then fell, with my handsome husband Balancing on its neck.
"Touché~" I chuckled.
I suddenly felt a strong huff of wind taken out of me, Levi had taken me into a tight embrace. Of course, I hugged him back. "Levi?"
"We're making that stupid bastard Eren clean until his limbs fall off!" He growled. I pat his back, chuckling. "Amen."

I walked down the hallway, laughing as I watched Eren run with buckets of water gripped into his hands. "Don't laugh at me, Y/N!" He yelled, which just made me find it more humorous. "I'll laugh all I want, you fucked over me and Levi today. You deserve this." I winked and walked down the hallway. I made my way to Levi and my room. It was especially clean, which was nice. I took my Survey corps jacket off and laid it on the chair. I undid my hair, which was in a braid/ponytail/small bun and put down the hair tie. I sighed and lay on the bed.

This all the ideas I had but yeah I'm probably not gonna write and more of this story and if I do then I'm a damn liar xD
Bye bye!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05, 2018 ⏰

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