Chapter 24

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Ellie gets in the car

Carlos: hey babe
Ellie: oh uh hey
Ellie: let's get some food after..
Carlos: Alright.

Carlos connects his phone to the bluetooth and puts this song

Carlos: "Yeah I miss you but I got no time for that, how could you wish you never played me!"

Ellie's POV

Oh shit, this kinda reminds me of me and alex's carpools when we used to go places together and sing in the car :/

Ellie looks sad 

end of ellies POV

Carlos: So like, what rides should we ride?

Ellie: The ferris wheel, wait lets ride like all the intense rides.

carlos: Alrightyy.

Ellie gets a text from alex

Alex: Hey 

Ellie: Uhm hey?

Alex: Can we talk?

Ellie didn't wanna talk since she was with carlos.

Alex: Please. I really need to talk to you.

Ellie: What?

Alex: Okay so, I honestly miss you, and I wanna be with you, and give you my all <3

Ellie: ALEX IM SO TIRED OF YOU USING ME AND LETTING ME GO, LIKE IVE DONE EVERYTHING FOR YOU, AND HONESTLY i dont care about you. I honestly don't wanna be with you, or have anything to do with you. 

A tear slid down ellie's face 

End of text

Carlos turns around and looks at ellie

Carlos: Babe? What's wrong?

Ellie: Nothing, just take me home. Ellie says crying

Carlos: okay babe :/.

Carlos POV

So, as I was driving I just saw ellie balling her eyes out, for what reason? I don't know. I feel really bad, the fact that probably someone ruined her day makes me sad.

end of carlos pov

30 minutes later carlos drops off ellie at her house 

Ellie: I'm sorry, oh and you dont need to go inside its ok.

Carlos: Okay, be safe. I love you 

Ellie: I love  you to. Ellie says giving carlos a peck on the lips.

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