chapter 1, sos

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October,1 2011 the day that Kassidy heartman was reported missing.

The police have been searching everywhere for her but can't seem to find her.

We've given them all the knowledge we have to where she could be, one of the places being the forest of hollow brook, for the most part people either dont like to talk about it or pretend it doesn't exist even though it takes up a big quarter of the outer part of town.

They've searched everywhere, yet It's been a long time since anyone's heard anything about kassidy or even the forest itself, they both remain completely set aside by the people in this town, I can't stand it. I decided I was going to gather a group of people willing to go with me in my search for kassidy.

We're all going to go looking for her but first I'll do a small rundown.

Me and yana are twins, both of us are friends with Kass, Matthew and lucy are dating, and joined our (me yana and kass's) friend group later on, sam and kim are cousins with Kassidy and adalyn just hangs out with us.

No matter the fact that lots of time has already passed with it being near the 2nd year anniversary of her disappearance we still have hope but can tell we're running out of time, I'm afraid that if I don't act now we'll never be able to save her..

There was no evidence to say who or if someone took her, people are scared, some people even speculated some type of alien force had got her, I don't typically believe in these stories but were running out of hope, So me and yana came up with a plan.

On the day of kassidy's disappearance she said a few things to me that night that hadn't made sense, I felt uncomfortable but shrugged it off.

She mentioned that she was planning on going hiking but she hadn't yet figured out a day, she just knew she wanted to go with her boyfriend raxus, she never told us where exactly it was that she was going, there happens to be a large amount of forests in Hollow brooks I never learned the day that she had planned to go hiking but I believe she did it the night she called me.

In any case  it turns out he had  never left his house, when the police report was first made he had ended being a potential suspect considering they were supposed to have plans, but when questioned it was revealed that he never left his house ditching kassidy's plans to go hiking, he says she told him she changed her mind and was going to stay at home when he told her the news, So they dropped him as a suspect.

Records between yaila and kass

*Missed call*
*Missed call*


Hey srry bout that i was asleep are you sure you should be up thought you had a date tmr 🫣

Yaila it's too late

Yeah we should go to bed

It's too late I can't go home now

If you're not home.. are you with raxus?

No It's too late,



.. I wish i did something that night.

So That's why we decided we would set out and try to find her in our own way.

We're goin to the forest on the exact day of her disappearance, and going around the estimated time she was said to be entering.

Remember how i mentioned people believe it's something supernatural? So for a long time even before kassi's disappearance there have been rumors and stories apparently.

When me and the group first started our search we started out going around in pairs  and asking the towns people if they had seen anything or heard about any new information, for the most part all the information that we had collected had led to dead ends, until one evening, me and yana had been assigned to looking for any meaningful information bumped into some weird old guy.

y'know the typical how they make everything super scary because they have nothing better to do huh, well apparently it was a small rumor going around a few years ago about what would happen to people if they were inside the forest late at night on October 30, the day before Halloween, it's said that the forest traps you deep inside too feed your soul too a portal that opens every halloween, or something like that.

I don't think that's exactly how the saying goes i never cared much for rumors, but we were getting desperate so..

We decided on Operation S. O. S,  the night kassidy had called me was the 30th and yes there has already been searches but none line up with the day the supposed portal opens up hopefully the rumors aren't true and it's just a terrifying forest.

By the way the operation is called sell our souls just in case you couldn't tell.

(Im changing the story lol i posted this when i like 11 or smth but i'll try to not change it too much also the main characters name is unoriginal and a rip off of my own i was thinking about coian being her name but then i looked it up anyway plots also slighty different (with some name changes) wont say too much but its def supernatural now)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2023 ⏰

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