25. Ask and Dare

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"Tell one embarrassing fact about every side and I dare you to wear a pink tie for one day and tell us everyone's reaction," -@_Emo_Nightmare_


Okay, I suppose I will begin with the facts.

Deceit once slipped on a banana peel placed by Virgil, I once caught Virgil watching Barbie Life in the Dreamhouse and singing along to the theme, Roman I once saw trip over a tree root on one of his quests, and Patton had a pie thrown in his face by Roman (who had to run for a long time to escape Virgil and I)

Now the dare.

I had switched out my usual blue tie for a bright, hot pink necktie.

I stepped outside my room and decided the best course of action would be to pretend nothing was different.

I walked into the kitchen, where everyone had gathered for breakfast. Ignoring the stunned looks they were giving me, I headed towards the counter for some pancakes.

Virgil had nearly dropped his glass of water, Deceit walked into a wall because he couldn't take his eyes off my tie, Roman spit out his drink, and Patton just gasped with a stunned expression on his face.

"Logan.....your necktie," Roman said, trying to contain his laughter.


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