Every Time

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Every time. Every time I tried to tell Starfire how I felt, something had to happen. Whether it was a monster, my obsessions, or Beast Boy, something always got in the way. The first time I tried to tell her was when we were stranded on that "hostile alien planted". We were trapped in a cave and she had asked me if I minded having "a friend who is a girl". I was about to respond when we heard a deafening crash and turned to see that freaking monster crashing through the wall. I was absolutely infuriated and made sure to hit that monster with all I had. After we had defeated the monster, we hugged each other in relief and I was about to tell her what I didn't get to say in the cave but, of course, the T-Ship had to pop up right at that moment with a smirking Cyborg and an amused Beast Boy seated inside. Don't get me wrong, I was relieved to see them but I kinda wished they could've waited a minute or two.

The next time I tried to tell her was when we took that trip to Tokyo to find Broshugon. We had taken the day off so Star and I decided to explore the city. We looked at different shops and went to an arcade where Star played some weirdly awesome game and got the high score which attracted a large group of male onlookers (much to my chagrin). Eventually, we found ourselves on top of a building, watching the sunset together. We talked for a couple minutes as we slowly inched closer to each other. Finally, we started to lean in towards each other when I suddenly remembered something and jumped up. Starfire stood up as well and tried to talk to me again but, being the over-obsessive jerk I am, I pushed her away. She turned and flew off with tears streaming down her face while I couldn't help but feel bad for what I had just done. A day or so later, I was on the run from the cops in Tokyo. I had managed to get some guy's outfit and a motorcycle, then tried to flee. Unfortunately, the cops found me before I could get away. As I was getting ready to surrender, however, Starfire swooped in and rescued me, so to speak. We flew to a little house she was hiding out in and she gave me a spare uniform. Before she could leave, I gently grabbed her arm. She turned to me and I gave her a lopsided grin before we started to lean in towards each other. We were about to close the space between us when-BAM! Beast Boy slammed open the doors and we jumped away from each other, mortified. "Boy are you guys glad to see us!" BB exclaimed. Yeah, not necessarily. It seemed like I was never going to get a chance to tell Star how I felt which is why I was so surprised when, after we defeated the ink monster, our teammates stayed back and actually let me talk to Star for once. "Maybe I was wrong. Maybe a hero isn't all I am. Maybe I could be-maybe we could be-" I started. "Robin?" Star cut me off. "Starfire?" Starfire smiled gently before she said, "Stop talking." We slowly started to lean towards each other. I snuck a quick glance at our smirking teammates to make sure they weren't going to try anything funny before turning my attention back to Star and closing the gap. We shared a short but sweet kiss and then leaned our foreheads against one another, looking into each others' eyes. "Well it's about time!" Cyborg said. *I couldn't have said it better myself* I thought to myself. Although maybe it would've happened sooner if something hadn't interrupted us every time.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 02, 2014 ⏰

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