Chapter 25

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Johnny's POV
My face goes pale when I hear Lauren scream, knowing something is bad.
I run downstairs to where Lauren is and my eyes bulge out of my face in horror.
"Lauren go call 911 NOW" I scream at her. She nods fast and runs off.
I look at Mackenzie's lifeless body, wondering if the last words I spoke to her were me breaking up with her.
"Mackenzie wake up" I say lightly shaking her and hitting her face.
When the ambulance gets here, it's like everything went slow motion. Me carrying her outside and putting her on the bed. Lauren and I riding in the ambulance with her, us getting to the hospital, and now us sitting in the waiting room.
An hour later, a doctor finally comes out.
"Mackenzie Ziegler?" The woman says.
Lauren and I immediately stand up.
"Is she okay?" Lauren asks teary eyed.
"Mackenzie has suffered a broken leg, severe scars and bruises, broken ribs, and severe trauma to her brain, we want to immediately send her to surgery to fix all of this, but we need to talk about all the risks before we do" the doctor says.
"More of her family is on their way, can we wait until they get here?" I ask.
"Of course" she says before waking away.
20 minutes later Maddie and her dad arrive.
Maddie comes in crying hard as she makes her way to us.
She runs over and gives me a big hug.
"Please tell me she's okay" she says sobbing.
I hug her back.
"They want to talk to us about the risks of her surgeries" Johnny says.
They both nod as we inform the doctor that they have arrived.
"This way" she says as she lead us into a conference room and closes the door.
We all take a seat and the doctor pulls out Mackenzie's chart and x ray scans.
"Mackenzie has suffered many injuries, but the most important one is the brain trauma, caused from the violent blows she received. Working with the brain is very difficult, and if we go in and fix the problem, it may do her more harm than good. She could either go into a coma, suffer memory loss, or die in surgery. We need your approval to go forth with the surgery, but we'll give you some time to think" she says as she passes the forms to Mackenzie's dad.
"My medical opinion is that you go with the surgery. Without the surgery, she will have seizures, brain damage, and could have a greater chance of dying than she already does. She won't have a good life without the surgery Mr. Ziegler" she says.
He nods as she leaves the room.
It is silent for a while until I speak up.
"Go with the surgery" I say.
They all look at me.
"Are you crazy? She could die!" Maddie screams.
"Mackenzie wouldn't want this. She wouldn't want to live her life with brain damage" I say.
"I don't care what Mackenzie wants! If she is alive that's all that matters" Maddie yells.
"What if this was you" Lauren said quietly.
It goes silent.
"What?" Maddie says.
"What if it was you? Would you want to live your life with more problems, not be as smart, and forget things?" She says.
Maddie goes quiet.
"I won't let her go down like this" Mackenzie's dad says as he signs the papers. Then we give them to the doctor and she nods "you made the right decision" she says.
She lets us see Mackenzie before the surgery.
After everyone sees her and gets some alone time with her, it is my turn.
I walk in to see her, so pale and lifeless, so beaten up.
My eyes tear up as I sit next to her bed and grab her hand.
"I'm sorry Mackenzie, I'm never going to be good enough for you. But god were you more than good enough for me."
"I miss you. I miss you always nagging me to do my homework, I miss when you would always fall asleep during movies in my arms. I miss when you come to school with sweatpants and the messiest bun I've ever seen saying you look like trash, but I've never seen anyone more gorgeous. I miss you so much, fuck Mackenzie" I say tears falling out of my eyes.
"And the last thing I might have ever said to you was "we're over."
"If you wake up, we're never breaking up again. I promise. I'm never gonna cheat on you, we're gonna graduate, move in together, get married, have kids, what I've always wanted. With you. I just want to be with you, and start a life together. Fuck, I love you Mackenzie" I say.
I kiss her forehead.
Then I leave while she gets prepped for surgery.
Now is the waiting part.

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