Heavy Talks

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(Warning: Implied/mentioned suicidal thoughts/actions)

Shiro was really hoping Keith would leave the explanation that he had promised forgotten. Unfortunately, Keith was far too perceptive and far too smart for that. The thing was Shiro didn't really have an explanation. Nor did he really feel like revisiting that territory out here, in the land of open choices and unexplored options.

"So you said you'd explain this morning." Keith said, blinking violet eyes at the older.

Shiro was caught in Keith's gaze. The younger had always been able to captivate him with those violet eyes, more often than not stealing his breath with the emotions revealed there when nothing about Keith's face or body gave him away. But more than that it was just so... Shiro didn't know how to explain it. It made sense to him now, how a human could have those color eyes. Since Keith was only half human and also half Galra.

Keith just looked expectantly at him until he spoke, "I- I'm not sure what you want me to say Keith." He said softly.

Keith's expression fell, "What do you mean?" He asked and Shiro's stomach plummeted. Even after Keith had found out he hadn't changed how he acted around Shiro, he was still the same. He was the only person to know to see Shiro first and his illness second. Even Adam, Shiro thought with a slight bitterness he couldn't help, had changed after he found out. He'd started worrying and fussing and had changed almost completely. Keith hadn't, he'd stayed the same.

"Keith that's not what I meant." Shiro hurried to assure, stepping forward to take Keith's upper arms in his grasp gently. "What I'm trying to say is I don't know what to say - how to explain."

Keith nodded slightly, "You didn't know how to tell me before either. Tell me this how you told me then."

Shiro nodded and let out a breath, "As far as I've been able to tell, I'm not sick anymore. I had Allura run some sort of Altean blood test. I-I didn't tell her what I was looking for on it, all she knows is that I didn't find it. It... It's like it completely vanished and all I can think is that one of Haggar's experiments that she performed on me did it."

Keith nodded slowly, soaking in the information, before wrapping his arms around Shiro. Shiro returned the embrace without hesitation. Keith clung to him and Shiro had to wonder if the younger was okay. Finally Keith let out a shuddering breath, pulling away as a slow grin spread across his lips, eyes glowing. "I can't wait until we get back to Earth! Or some planet with hover-bikes!" He said and Shiro grinned at the boyish excitement in his eyes.

"Oh really?" He asked, pretending to be wary.

Keith chuckled and nodded, "Yeah! I am so going to beat you in the race!"

Now Shiro's eyes glinted with challenge and he stepped closer, looking down on Keith. "You sure about that?" He asked, letting his voice change to one he might have used on a disobedient or stubborn cadet that wasn't Keith.

Keith swallowed almost audibly but gave a slow nod, only the slightest tremor in his voice, "Yeah."

Shiro smiled, bending closer and he could tell Keith was catching onto his game. "Really? You think you can keep up?"

Keith nodded, "Yeah." He breathed.

The space was almost silent, the two hovering only an inch apart.

Then there was a loud banging on the door, causing them to practically leap away from each other.

"Breakfast in five! Hurry up slowpokes!" Lance cried and then there was the sound of retreating footsteps.

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