Port Campbell National Park and Him

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"Cap, I'm here," I called him in a low voice—nearly whispering—after knocking his room door thrice. Even though I was bringing the staff nametag which he handed to me last night, I was still afraid if someone saw me here. His members and managers already knew about my relationship with Seongwu yet the other staffs didn't.

The door was opened slowly and I found a familiar face in front of me. "Oh, you're here." Kuanlin scratched the back of his head. The black bag of Seongwu's camera already hanged on his shoulder.

I took a glimpse at someone who was still busy combing his hair in front of the mirror. He combed his hair down without any hair gel. He even didn't apply any make up beside using lipbalm. Today he wore a navy blue-white stripe oversized shirt with a navy blue turtleneck underneath. He combined it with a black trousers.

Kuanlin and I was still staring at him when he startled to see me already standing at the door. "I thought you were Minhyun," he murmured while grinning.

Right at that time, Minhyun, Sungwoon, and a manager appeared behind me. I bowed to them immediately while saying my greeting which they replied the same.

"Let's go now. Before other staffs catch your girl here," Minhyun said in a low voice like mine few minutes ago.

"Okay. Let's go!" Seongwu replied excitedly while grabbing his navy coat with a red and grey color at the left bottom. He quickly grabbed my hand with his free hand and walked away, leaving the others behind. His grip was strong and too sudden, so I couldn't help but follow him.

"Seongwu-ya," Sungwoon called, still standing on his position with folded arms in front of his chest. "You want people to discover your relationship?"

He suddenly stopped—which made me automatically stopped as well—and turned his head towards his friends. He just grinned while letting go of my hand slowly.

"I'm sorry, I will continue it later," he whispered with a wink.


Seongwu and I sit at the middle while Sungwoon, Minhyun, and Kuanlin sit at the back. They said they wanted to give us more time to be close next to each other while we could. Seongwu couldn't help but giggled thankfully towards them for their understanding. Since the journey would take a pretty long time, I could be with him longer before he went back to Korea.

Port Campbell National Park was located in the south-western district of Victoria. Since it was located outside Melbourne—or 190 km south-west of Melbourne to be exact, the journey took around 3 hours. The back seat passengers were mostly sleeping, while Seongwu and I tried our best not to fall asleep since it was our last day to see each other before the long separation again.

"Don't sleep!" He pinched my left cheek quite strongly.

I slapped his hand and shrieked, "It hurts!"

"It is because your eyes seem heavy. Tomorrow I have to go back to Korea, so don't you dare to close your eyes!"

"I know! I know!"

We quickly stopped fighting when one of his managers peeked at us through the mirror. "Guys, are you the same kids which kissed romantically under the street lamp that night?"

We both suddenly coughed and stared at everything outside the window. My face was suddenly burning after hearing that—after being reminded of that memory. Well, actually that was not our first time to kiss each other, but it was a bit embarassing when someone talked about it.

"If I can give my opinion, I want to suggest that rather than fighting, both of you better treat each other lovingly since tomorrow you won't see each other for a long time again."

Melbourne and Him | Ong SeongwuWhere stories live. Discover now