She's Beautiful

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She's beautiful

Especially when she smiles

She doesn't do it often

She thinks everythings so bad.

She doesn't see the beautiful

Things right in front of her.

I've loved her since day one

And we grew into best friends

Now we talk for hours on end.

She's beautiful

Especially when she laughs

She doesn't do it often

She thinks everythings so bad.

She's so blind not to see

Everything she wants

Is right inside of me.

I'd be your best friend

Till the very end.

She's beautiful

Even when she frowns

She does it so often

She thinks everythings so bad.

I always try to pull her up

From the darkness she's in

It sucks her in so easily

And it's hard to get her out.

But I always do it without a doubt.

She's beautiful.

Even when she cries

She does it so often

She thinks everythings so bad.

She tells me life is over

I remind her it's not so bad

She says nobody cares

I tell her I'm always here.

She's so beautiful

Even when she's dead

She knew it was coming

Everything was so bad.

I couldn't believe it

She'd never smile again

I didn't save her

She'd never laugh again.

She's beautiful

Especially through my eyes

The world say her imperfections

I call them all lies.

Everything about her

Was completely perfect

But now

She'll never know.

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