Chapter 14

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Tali and tony made there way to the hospital at 0900 hours the next day. Gibbs was already there and were told they could visit ziva.

They all headed in and ziva was asleep she had 7 tubes in her of what tali could count. She looked peaceful. The only thing that tol us she was alive was the steady beeping of the machine next to her bed. Tali noticed that her eyes were quickly moving under her eyelids was she having a night mare? Her heart rare started to increase and doctors rushed in pushing them all out the door.

About ten minuites later jimmys brother walked in

Doctor: well ziva had a night mare and it woke her up. She is asking for a Anthony and tali DiNozzo

Tony: that's me

Tali: that's me

Tony and tali followed the doctor to Ziva's room holding hands

Tony: you ok Tal?

Tali: yeah just excited

Tony smiled and entered Ziva's room

Tony: hey sweetcheeks

Ziva: hey babe, Tali

Tali: are you ok Zivi?

Ziva: I'm fine tateleh

Tali and Tony gave her a look that told her they didn't believe them

Ziva: when can I leave?

Tali: when you are better

Ziva: I'm fine Tali!

Tony: no your are not Zi!

Ziva: I hate hospitals

Tony: you say that every time you are in hospital

Ziva: you say that like I'm in hospital a lot

Tony: yeah well you sorta are

Ziva: am not!

Tony: you are also extremely stubborn

Ziva: am not!

Tony: see your being stubborn now!

Ziva: I'm not

Tali: ziva listen to yourself

Ziva just smiled and hugged her little sister being careful not to damage herself.

Tali: I will be outside waiting for you tony

Tony: thanks Tal

Tali left so it was just Tony and Ziva left

Tony: can I kiss you now that Tali left?

Ziva: I thought you would never ask

Tony leaned down and put his lips to hers and one hand on the bed steadying himself and the other stroking her cheek. They wee in that position until they both reluctantly pulled away to gain oxygen.

Ziva: I love you tony

Tony: love you too sweetcheeks

Ziva: so when can I leave?

Tony: 3 days

Ziva: so you are saying I have to wait 3 whole days till I can get back to work

Tony: then you will be on desk work for another week

Ziva: but I'm fine!

Tony: just in case something goes wrong we do not want you hurt.

Zivas face fell as she remembered something

Ziva: tony..

Tony: yes ziva

Ziva: I'm sorry

Tony: what for honey

Ziva: I was pregnant now because I was shot in the stomach I lost our baby it is all my fault.

Tony had a tear in his eye but did not let it fall

Tony: it's not your fault. Honestly I do not think we are ready for a baby before we get married anyway. So here goes

He got down on one knee and Ziva gasped.

Tony: Ziva I have loved you for a very long time and I don't want to spend another moment without you. So Ziva David will you do the honours of becoming my wife?

Ziva: no

Tony: no?

Ziva: no Tony. I'm already married

Tony: what the hell Ziva?!?

And he stormed out. Ziva cried herself to sleep that night and the next and then it was the day she could leave. But where would she go?

Thanks for reading.

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What does Ziva mean she is already married?

Why did she keep it a secret?

Will tony take her back?

Where will she go after hospital?

If tony and Ziva never get back together will Tali be too annoyed to go back with her sister. The one who kept secrets from her or will she stay with Tony and make her sister lose contact with her again?

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