Happy Birthday

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It was June 11th. The circling clouds of imagination seemed to have given way for the smiling sun, giving Bunkum another factor in its carefree nature. It was even sunny around Stitchem Manor. Stitchem Manor! Crazy, right?
Anyway, it was very fortunate that it was a sunny day because that meant the party could be held outside. "The party" being Newton's birthday party, of course. Streamers had been flung, a cake prepared, bunting hung,  and Newton was being told to wait in the living room with the cats, family photos and day-old teacups. 

He was sat there, swinging his feet. It had been an hour since anybody had even gone into the room and it was an understatement to say he felt a bit lonely. Until I walked in, that is. His face lit up and he ran over to me. Did you know he's shorter than me? Only just, but still. Have I even mentioned how warm his hugs are?

"Newton! We're ready for you!"

After hearing those words, I grabbed his hand and practically began to drag him into the garden. He gave me a confused look before giggling and walking properly, so we were side by side. We ended up skipping to our destination.

At the entrance to the garden, I let go of his hand and pushed him a little. He hesitated for a second, but then walked forward. I don't blame him for hesitating, either. The entire place was beautifully decorated. Blueprints had been framed, there were Pumpinator and rosette balloons and a cake shaped like his airship! Even I was giddy when I saw that, and it wasn't even my party!
A cheer of "Happy birthday, Newton!" deafened is as the birthday boy's eyes started watering. At least, I think they did, because he was crying what I hope were happy tears only seconds later.
He was ushered over to a table full of presents and we all seated ourselves to watch him open them.


"Hey, Newton?"
Newton hummed at me as he ate a slice of the cake (which turned out to be chocolate cake) next to me.
"How come you like fireworks so much?"
I think you can work out why I asked him that. He turned his head to look at me as blues and purples illuminated the sky.
"I...don't really know. I just enjoy watching them, y'know?"
I nodded. Anyone looking at him could tell the poor thing was exhausted. Who wouldn't be? The day has been filled with activities, including a piñata where sweets had been somehow replaced with bagels. I really have no idea how that was possible... Ah, well.

Yes, Newton seemed very sleepy. Me and him were just lying on the roof together, with him resting his head on top of my shoulder. He was aware of how this would look to an outsider and blushed a little bit. It was adorable, little bits of pink buzzed around where his cheeks would be. I must also note how, when he's sleepy and resting on you, he will nuzzle your shoulder. He probably wasn't even aware of what he was doing at this point, because he hugged me, too. Red-faced, I hugged him back, and my eyes looked into his. They were closed, nearly, so I decided to let him rest. Before I closed my own eyes, however, I leant up and gave him a docile peck on the forehead.
"Happy birthday, Newton..."

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