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Info about plant-

Wisteria is a genus of flowering plants in the legume family, Fabaceae (Leguminosae), that includes ten species of woody climbing bines that are native to China, Korea, and Japan and as an introduced species to the Eastern United States. Some species are popular ornamental plants. An aquatic flowering plant with the common name wisteria or 'water wisteria' is in fact Hygrophila difformis, in the family Acanthaceae.

From the seeds to the stems, to the flowers, Wisteria has the toxic glycoside, "Wisterin," that's present in its seeds, pods, and bark. Sometimes mistaken for bean or pea pods, curious children and hungry pets are especially vulnerable to Wisteria seeds.

Side effects include:

Digestive upset vomiting diarrhea trouble breathing fatal (when large amounts are consumed)

Note: There are 4 types of Wisteria, Chinese Wisteria, Japanese Wisteria, Silky Wisteria, and American Wisteria. I don't exactly recommend using this plant for killing off a character. It's a garden plant because of its beauty. I only put it on this list because it's on the '10 Most Poisonous Plants on Earth you Need to Stay Away From', I would recommend Hemlock or Nightshade >:)

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