Going to school

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Hi my names Alayna and come from Sydney I'm moving to Adelaide but I don't mind.

I know why were moving to Adelaide

first because it's to busy

then comes it's to expensive,

next its hard to keep your job

and last of all my school closing down.

I'm actually looking forward to move to Adelaide it's

nice and peaceful

not much pollution

more green than city

and were going to a cool school.

I know there won't be amazing sights but there is really cool animals.

Were driving to school now and my tummy is lurching like washing machine.

Right now and I'm playing on my I pad (for school) and I feel like I'm about to fall asleep it's such a long journey.

Finally we arrived it's smaller than my other school.

It's split onto to different roads but it looks ALOT more friendlier.

Mu tummys lurching even more as we park in the visitors parking area.

"Oh no" I'm thinking as we step on to the school grounds, my last thought before someone comes along is " I wish the floor could swallow me"

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