Slenderman facts

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#1: he is depicted to be somewhere around 15 feet tall when in limbo. Though his average normal height is around 6-7 feet.
#2: he hasn't always worn a suit. His clothing was always black, but has evolved to keep with the times.
#3:he isn't "nice" to the proxies. Yes, slender sickness is the most known bad thing about being a proxy. I myself experience a lot of the symptoms all the time. However, his proxies are treated as soldiers during fights and prisoners every other bit of the time.
#4:he doesn't hate children as much as you'd think. He'll be friendly to those who believe he exists, that is until they reach adulthood.
#5:this applies to all the pastas, but they don't actually live in a mansion. The proxies have their own shack, and the pastas roam freely and sleep where they choose.

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