Laughing Jack facts

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#1:if a child is abused or neglected, he will adopt them and take them into the circus where they grow up living as a clown.
#2: as you can guess, a lot of pastas kill on Halloween. It's especially easy for LJ because he kills specifically mostly kids. He makes his own candy with cyanide in it that eventually kills the child who takes it. It's September, so I'm warning you ahead of time to stay away from black and white striped candy.
#2:when he kills, he fills the body with candy in place of insides.
#3:he is about ten feet tall.
#4:he originated from England, and only surfaced in the 1800's, but it's widely believed he existed way before then.
#5: sally is his best friend. He hates kids, but she's an exception to this. He takes pity on her because of what happened to her. This is the only child he'll even tolerate.

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