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Dedicated to xSinnersNeverSleepx for the amazing cover!

"I," I lean back on my chair and pat my belly. "Am full."

"Yeah," says my dad, walking into the room. "Full of shit."

I roll my eyes at him. "You just wish you were capable of this." I gesture down at my torso.

Dad wrinkles his nose. "Yeah, you're right. I so wish I was capable of being a fat pig."

My jaw drops. I quickly shut my mouth, going for a pitiful look. "I feel so sorry for you. I mean, life must be hard for the-"

"Visually impaired. I know, you've said that one before." Dad rolls his eyes.

"Yeah, well... Ya mum." I retort. Oh, I have people falling at my feet, begging me to tell them how I come up with such amazing comebacks, and with such short notice too.

Dad just cocks an eyebrow at me, before opening the fridge and taking out a slice of pizza.

"Ewww..." I turn my head away and punch my nose in disgust. "You're eating microwaved pizza..."

"Yeah..." My dad raises his eyebrows, as if to say, 'so?'

"That's a day old..."

Dad shrugs. "Always better the next day."

"For breakfast?!?" I finish, confused as to how any human could eat that... Thing. And for breakfast, even. I mean, what?

Dad leans back against the bench, having put the pizza in the microwave. "Tell me something I don't know." He smooths out his jacket, flipping his non-existent hair to one side.

"You're weird." I say.

"Don't be rude." He says, taking the seat across from me.

I cock an eyebrow. "Oh, so you're allowed to call me a fat pig, but as soon as I call you weird, it's 'rude?'"

"Don't be rude, you fat pig." Dad says, a smug look on his face.

"Hasn't anyone told you to never call a girl fat?" I roll my eyes, getting up.

"Where do you think you're going?" Dad asks, twirling his moustache. I'm kidding, my dad doesn't have a mo. That would be cool though...

"Oh, I just don't normally tend to hang around people that have the brain capacity of a goldfish." I push my chair back in, grabbing my breakfast to take upstairs to my room.

"Rider, wait!" My dad grabs my wrist, stopping me from leaving.


"Liam, Carl and I are going hunting." He says, getting excited. Sometimes he reminds me of a three year old boy, just given a train set. He gets that look in his eyes when he talks about hunting. "Would you be interested in tagging along?"

I think about it. I could go... Or I could just stay home and eat ice cream out of the bucket, whilst watching If I Stay. That movie actually is actually perfect for this moment. If I stay, I get ice cream. If I go...

"Yeah, alright, I'll come." I decide, realising that I was just standing there, staring into space for a good ten seconds.

"Sweet. Go get ready. I'll be waiting for you at the top of the hill in about... Ten minutes?" The top of the hill... But that would mean...

"Dad, are we... Walking?" I say the last word with so much disgust that I barely recognise my voice.

Dad just nods his head in reply.

I groan. "Dad, you do realise that if we walk down the hill, we're going to have to walk back up it?"

"Yeah..." Dad nods. "So?"

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