Chapter 1

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I jump out of bed as my phone vibrates in my pocket. Cursing, I pull it out.

It's Freya.

Oh no.

Reluctantly, I answer the phone, holding it a metre away from my ear. "Hello?" I answer, shakily.

Surprisingly, Freya doesn't scream through the other end of the phone, but speaks at a normal volume. I put the phone back to my ear. "Sorry, what? I didn't catch that."

Freya sighs. "I asked if you wanted to meet up? I have news."

This, of course, worries me. "Is there something wrong?" I ask. "Omigod, don't tell me it's cancer? Wait, no, gosh Freya, you're not PREGGERS? IS IT YOUR PARENTS? ARE THEY SICK? ARE YOU SICK?"

Freya laughs. "None of the above. I just wanted to meet up, we haven't seen each other in so long."

"Are you sure you're alright though?" I ask, suspiciously.

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" Freya's voice crackles over the phone.

"I dunno, you just seem kinda down."

"Well, you are wrong. I'm so high right now..." Did she just say...?

"Did you just say...?"

"My god, Rider, do you really think that low of me?"

"No, right now I think very high of you!"

There is about a five second silence, then we both burst out into uncontrollable laughter.

"And this..." Freya finds it hard to talk through her laughter. "This is why you're my best friend."

I would reply with some amazing innuendo, but I'm laughing too hard to even process what Freya is saying through the phone.

It takes a few minutes for me to settle down, and I can hear over the phone that it's the same for Freya too. Once I'm done, I slowly untangle myself from the ball I had curled up in. Ouch, my cheek muscles...

I put the phone back to my ear. "Freya, are you there?" There is only silence on the other end, apart from a bit of scuffling in the background. "Freya..."

"WHAT?!? SORRY, I DIDN'T-" Freya screams over the phone before I quickly pull it away from my ear. Rule number one whilst on the phone to Freya- a metre from the ear!

Once I hear that she has stopped screaming, I hesitantly put the phone back to my ear.

"So, where are we going to meet?" I speak softly so that Freya might catch on and speak quietly as well.

"Duh." I can practically see Freya roll her eyes at me. "Bowlers Cafe- does that even need asking?"

I laugh. "I guess not."

Bowlers cafe is just... THE place. All the other cafés/restaurants are either really expensive or really shitty. Bowlers is just perfect- it has that homey air to it, great food, great service...

"So, I'll see you in about...?" Freya asks.

"20 minutes?"

"See you then!" Freya hangs up.

I hang up too, before skipping down the stairs and into the lounge room. Gosh, I'm all jolly today. Why am I doing that?

Dad is reading a book at the dinner table. It's a book I made him read; 'The Game Of Thrones.' At first he didn't want to, but now I can't seem to get him and the book apart! He's spends more time with that book than he does me, which is saying something because we live together. Well, I guess dad and the book live together as well...

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