CH.3 Love

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Love a word that has many different meanings...
love is like a rose...
like a rose it is beautiful...
it also comes with immense pain...
that isn't bearable...
but we all have to move on though we may find it hard...
we have to move on to find the person we would like to spend the rest of our life with...
cause love has no ending
~ Me


years had passed since I started dating sylvia I had to tell nova that my feelings and break the news to sylvia gently.

I stood in front of Nova "what did you want to talk about?" nova asks I took a deep breath in releasing it slowly "nova I've been meaning to tell you that I love you and have since junior high" I replied "sylvia was just someone I used to make you jealous so don't worry I'm going to be breaking up with her" she stared at me scratching the back of her neck "I do love you but I'm afraid we can't be together until you break the news to sylvia" Nova said.


I walked out of the shop with the groceries "is that all?" I asked myself checking over the groceries I felt as if someone was following me so I turned around and so no one shrugging it off but staying careful something light landed on my head as I turned in the direction it came from staring at a beautiful sakura blossom tree "it's so pretty" I walked along but not far I spotted another sakura tree with a couple kissing I smiled at them that's so romantic maybe I should bring nash here sometime as I walked closer the couples face started to get clearer I froze in my tracks staring at the two kissing my eyes getting glossy and filling with tears nash and nova were in front of me locking lips it broke my heart in two unconsciously I dropped my grocery bag nash opened an eye staring at me eyes wide pulling away "what's wrong?" nova asks as I pick up the groceries running off "sylvia wait!" nash yelled I ignored him running away from him.

Anata wa ima doko de nani wo shite imasu ka?~

Kono sora no tsuzuku basho ni imasu ka?~

Ima made wata- I turned my phone off pulling my knees to my chest tears escaping my eyes "crying won't help sylvia" storm said "it hurts so much" I said releasing a sob he sat down beside me "just tell him" he said I shook my head "nothing will happen if I do nash will still be after nova..." I said softly "sylvia..." he said "why do you even care storm? shouldn't you be happy?" I ask "I may not show I care for you but I do I care a lot" he replied "why?" I ask turning "ever since dad left you cried for the first time and then mama you cried a lot I never saw you cry so much that day I promised myself to never let anyone hurt you or make you cry" he replied "storm..." I said softly "don't think I don't love you" he said "bu-" I was interrupted by his phone ringing "hello?" he answered "yeah she's right beside me" he handed the phone to me I took it "hello?" I answered "sylvia please talk t-" I hung up on nash "here" I said handing storm his phone back "don't want to talk to him?" storm asks I shook my head no "you should be with someone that loves you not someone who uses you" I sighed looking at him "I don't want to be in any relationship right now" I said "fine get some sleep" he said I nodded pulling the covers over me "good night" I said "night" storm said closing the door.

Next day

I walked downstairs tying my ribbon "good morning big brother" I said "good morning" he said I checked my watch "oh shoot! I'm going to be late" I said accidentally dropping my ribbon "calm down it's only 6" storm said "yeah but I hate being late now let's go!" I said grabbing my bag and storm I grabbed my shoes on the way "Sylvia!" terari called "morning" I said putting on my shoes "storm you look like a mess" terari said giggling "well I didn't even get to eat something" he said "here" terari said fixing his tie I gave him strawberry milk "here I grabbed some on the way" I said "sometimes I wonder if your really my little sister with your fast reflexes" he said "Hey! what's that supposed to mean?!" I ask "exactly what it sounds like sprinkler" he replied "big brothers a meanie!" I said pouting "so cute" he said squishing my cheeks terari laughed as we turned "you two are acting more like siblings today instead of hate there's love" terari said "really?" we ask "yes" she answered "oh here terari I got your favourite flavour vanilla" I said handing her the milk drinking mines "mmm yummy" we said I rode my bike "idiot be careful you'll hurt yourself" storm said "big brother you coming to watch the swimming tournament next week?" I ask "yeah" he answered we continued chatting on our way to school.

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