3; Well Whatever

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After lunch, School was noneventful. I had trouble focusing, as usual, but nothing fun or interesting. Still the same boring lessons, I had to keep telling myself why I was there 'you're doing this so you can be a hero'
I swear if I didn't have that thought I would have fallen asleep.

"Ahh finally schools over, it feels like I've been here for years" I mutter stretching my arms out, hitting whoever is sitting behind me. which happens to be Sero,

"Oh sorry Sero, you good?" He hums in response, giving me his billion dollar grin.

(Lets be honest here, his smile is worth more then humanly possible)

Grabbing my (f/c) school bag I say a quick goodbye to the 'bakusquad' before leaving the classroom heading home, finally.

Walking out of the school I stop to Dig in my bag for my phone and Earbuds, so I can listen to my (f/playlist). Once I find them, i open my phone to my anime wallpaper and turn on said playlist, continuing my walk. Somehow still smiling,


"Home at last" I smile pulling out my key and shoving it in the cooper keyhole. Heh you know what else I'd shove inside-

"IM HOME" I yell interrupting my own thoughts as I open the door to find a empty house, again? I thought I was only going to be alone on mondays

I walk to my room and throw my bag across the room as I jump on my comfy bed,

"I missed you" I say squishing my face into it, pretending as if was a real person if only I wasn't just pretending, my smile fades with that thought yeah like anyone can actually like you, you remember last time don't you?

I get up, not wanting these thoughts to continue yeah but if these new classmates knew how you were last year I bet they'd hate you. I sigh, ive been trying to avoid these thoughts.

As im walking to the kitchen I hum a familiar sad tone, I grab an everything-bagel and force it into the toaster, pulling out the butter and cream cheese for once the its done.

after I butter the toasted bagel with cream cheese I head to my room to watch some (f/show), wrapping myself in my blanket while shoving food in my face, the most perfect way to spend my Thursday evening.


"I should probably do my homework" I say as I'm scrolling through my phone, seeing no notifications. I sigh getting up and walking over to where I threw my bag earlier in the day. how is it fair? its the first week of school and we already have a stupid presentation due for English in two classes? As much as I hate homework Ill still do it none the less, even if it takes long.

"Yess! I'm almost done, maybe about 10 more minutes" I mutter feeling like I could pass out at any moment, wait what is this presentation even about? I read my whole text again. you got to be kidding me, did I even do this correctly?!?!? I sigh At this point it doesn't even matter, as long as I finish is what's important.

The front door slams open, it echoes through the whole house, oh, she's home now, I should probably head to bed then, I don't really want to face her again today. I feel my (e/c) eyes roll on their own, how can one person be so immature, self-centred and also be three years older then me?

If its not obvious my sister and I don't really get along, she thinks the world is about her, it sucks because then I have to do everything. but whatever I guess, its not like you can just trade siblings for different ones.

I lay my uniform out for tomorrow, as well as my own packing my lunch.

"ahh the sweet realise of sleep awaits me" I smile thinking about how amazing it is to sleep and dream, creating your own worlds where anything could happen, like maybe even getting a significant other.

As I close my (e/c) eyes my day starts to repeat itself in my head, morning classes, mostly English class, lunch, the indirect kiss, then Sero accidentally getting caug- wait, I blush thinking about it, stupid indirect kiss and making me feel all weird and light headed or whatever. But ya'know maybe I wouldn't mind the real thing? No no get your mind out of the gutter.

Well whatever, I'll worry about it tomorrow.


hey again its me, sham

just wanted to say sorry for the shortness of the chapter, I promise the next one will be longer and way more eventful, (probably)

oh and also, if there's anything you would like to see in this book, please don't be afraid to make a request!

Uploading schedule: okay so, I'll try to at least update every Thursday. Sometimes I might post two chapters a week, but it really depends on if school is kicking me to the floor while throwing shoes at me or not.

Wel thank you for reading this chapter and dont forget to buy the new Sero hiking Merch <3

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