e x p r e s s i o n

2 0 0

"Fifty one, fifty two, fifty three, fifty four..."

My attention was drawn to Jack on the ground, showing his ability of being able to do as much press ups as he could do in a minute.

Jack was every girl teenagers dream boy.

It occurred to me that all guys were the same, trying to prove their masculinity by a bunch of workout exercises or being able to hit on the most girls they could in one night.


Phillip rounded the corner of the balcony with drinks in his hand as he stumbled towards me in his not so pretty drunkenly state.

"What is a gorgeous girl like you doing up here by herself?" He slurred sipping his half vodka filled drink.

I scrunched my nose up at the stench as I chuckled looking at him.

"Excuse me, if you don't mind, you interrupted my show." I whispered as I perked my head towards Jack on the ground finishing his seventieth press up.

Boys started to holler and Phillip had left just as quickly as he had come.

This was stupid.

I only came to this party because Chloe, who was my sister at heart but best friend nonetheless, wanted to shag a boy that she had been talking to for the past few weeks.

I didn't understand her love for boys, she stuck  to them like sticky tape on Velcro, which if in my right mind, the two don't stick for long.

She's had multiple boyfriends in the past year, more then I could count on my fingers. But she's getting there, well slowly.

Call her a whore, a hoe, anything, I think she was someone that just didn't know how to get her priorities in check. You know the ones? Yeah.

That was her.

I rummaged through my purse, my fingers clutching my brand new iPhone 5 that I got for my birthday. I can't believe I still got teased for having this phone, even when iPhone 6's have now become popular. It does the job as a phone so I'm content.

The time read 11:50pm, about two hours passed my bedtime.


It was getting late and I needed to get home, it never dawned on me that I would stay out this late but reality hit me like a truck and I had a feeling that mum would be worried about me.

I needed to find Chloe ASAP.

*** C H L O E ' S  P .O.V ***

The music blared into my ears as our mouths moved in sync.

This guy was good.

But I think Jeremy was definitely a better kisser then him.

My hips moved against his torso as he pushed himself into me. I flicked my tongue against his and pushed him back with a strong force as I walked away, leaving him stunned yet again.

He was the fifth boy I toyed with at this party already. All the boys were so easy to bait, it was too easy to get what you wanted with boys. Especially at parties.

It was almost like giving a dog a bone.

"Chloe! There you are. I have been looking for you."I heard V as she walked perfectly towards me.

Her skintight dress alluding her to be a walking mannequin from a store. Her body was to die for.

"Whaaaaaat's up?" I slurred, my eyes squinting. I could've easily mistook her for a walking coke bottle. But like every other night she always seem to worry about me a bit too much.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07, 2018 ⏰

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