First Meeting

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The only information you were given was that you were helping Joe shoot a pickup scene from a new Marvel movie. So that meant that the whole movie had already been shot. Plus, they said there weren't any actors, just their stunt doubles to shoot the scenes and new fight stuff. You weren't mad, just a little disappointed you weren't meeting Ironman or Thor.

You put down the printed out email from Carrie and Joe and went back to readjusting your aching back in your economy flight box of personal space, if there was any. There was a random persons foot on your right arm rest, so you shoved it off and lowered your seat back slightly to annoy them. You couldn't really sleep, missing your parents and Amy, but tried to focus on the amazing opportunity you'd been given.

You asked a passing stewardess what the weather in London was like at this time of year. With a thick English accent she replied sweetly, "Well, it's cool in the mornings and evenings, but warm in the middle of the day. Where are you coming from?" She asked, since this was the connecting flight, other people from around the world had gotten on "______________" you replied sleepily. "Oh, well I suppose for you it'll just be cold, and then even colder, but I wish you a lovely time." She said jokingly.

But she wasn't wrong. You were used to scorching summers and freezing winters, but no snow. Hot enough for bushfires, wet enough from hurricanes and floods, and the rare earthquake and tsunami. I've been to the snow before, so it couldn't be worse than that. Right? Your tired brain thought. You let that stir in your mind as you slept the rest of the flight away.


The hours fleeted by. You got off the plane to a less than desirable cold wind, got through customs and immigration, retrieved your thankfully undamaged luggage and headed to the foyer where people were holding signs. You pulled the folded paper from your pocket and read the final line of the email.

Someone at Heathrow will be holding a sign that has Marvel written on the top with your name on it. That's who you're looking for when you arrive.

And sure enough, a bald gentleman holding a black sign with the red logo on top read your name in white writing. You headed over to the man and showed him the email and he took your suitcase and headed out to a blacked out car.

You hopped in, with no one inside apart from the driver. Other than the email, there was no other information that you knew of, so you began to ask some questions. "So, do you like work for Marvel Studios?" "A branch of it yes, miss." "What hotel are we going to?" "E15 Apartment London, in Bow. Its near to the studio." "And what's the studio called?" "3 Mills Studios." "Ah" you reply flatly. There was nothing else to talk about after you discussed what you were doing there, so you gazed out the window looking at all the architecture and buildings as you passed by them until you reached the hotel.

The driver helped you get the suitcase into the lobby, then said goodbye and left, leaving you to make your way to the front desk.

"Excuse me?" You said politely, "Yes?" said the clerk as he turned around. "My name is __________, and I'm here with Marvel studios?" "Ah, you're another one it seems!" "Another?" "Yes, another six people have checked in from around the world in the same position as you miss." You stare, stunned at the clerk. "I'll need you to sign here, and I'll have someone take up your bag." You nod silently, and follow the bellhop up to your room. You had no idea there were more people like you here. But this gave an opportunity for new friends!


Day 1, as you called it, rolled around. But you on the other hand were rolling out of bed. You barely slept and got up to have a shower. You quickly disocver the inferior shower pressure to back home, but make do. After getting out and making a cup of coffee, you notice a note under your door. It detailed the start and finish times of all the next two weeks filming days.

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