day twenty

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I woke up in a bad mood, which didn't seem to be different from the day before, and the night before that. I had let Wes's words get to me, and I hated it. I sat up slowly, swallowing carefully. I realized that my throat felt immensely better, which meant I would be able to function at school. I got up, wobbling slightly and got dressed. After trying to somewhat look presentable, I left for school.

Though I was feeling physically better, I couldn't help but feel the weight of Wes's words settle into my mind. I hated how much it bothered me. Words didn't usually get to me, but for some reason, the way he said it really struck. It sounded as if he were just disappointed in who I was, or who I was acting to be. I despised that he acted like he knew me at all, but he didn't. I straightened my shoulders, flipping my hair over them as I walked into the building.

People gawked at me, whispering as I passed by. My bad attitude didn't make it any better, and I glared at anyone who was staring at me. I found myself in front of my locker, and I carefully organized my books.

"Is it true?" A girl perked, her eyes directed at me, though she was talking to her friend.

I clenched my jaw, turning towards her.

"Is what true?" I hissed, and the girl stepped back slightly.

"That you and Wes skipped school together to..." She stopped, nervously looking at her friend.

"I think there are far better things to talk about." I snapped, before processing her words.

Slowly, her words sank in. They thought I skipped school with Wes to do God knows what. The gears in my head shifted, and I realized that this could be advantageous. I may somewhat be infiltrating their group, but I still hadn't fully made it to where people looked at me as one of them.

"And so what if Wes and I skipped?" I shrugged, a smirk forming on my lips. "It's not any of your business." I twirled a strand of my hair between my fingers, smiling dreamily.

Their mouths dropped at this hint of information, and they scurried away, whispering rapidly to each other. As soon as they turned the corner, I rolled my eyes, scowling into my locker.

"So, I hear you thought Wes and I were a thing." A voice chirped on the other side of the locker, and I glanced over.

Dawn was leaning against the lockers, and I shut my locker slowly.

"To be fair, no one told me." I blushed, and she laughed at me.

"I can't believe you thought that. That's so gross." She shuddered, and I shrugged.

"Sorry. I wasn't informed." I smiled slightly.

Dawn just had that aura around her. She was so easy to talk to, and overall an incredibly friendly person. It almost made me feel bad that I was doing all of this over a bet, but I pushed that thought out of my head.

"Well, we missed you at school yesterday." She smiled, watching me pile my materials into my arms.

"You and who else?" I laughed lightly. "You're the only person who seems to actually be interested in me, for whatever reason. Everyone else just wants me out." I bit my lip, tucking my hair behind my ear.

"Well, Parker seems to find you interesting too." She pointed out, and I scowled at her.

"Parker is sleazy as hell, and I don't think him wanting to get into my pants counts as actually liking me." I rolled my eyes, and Dawn pursed her lips to hold back her laugh.

"Well, as difficult as Wes is, I'm sure he doesn't really mind you being around." She shrugged, and I snorted at her outlandish comment.

"First of all, Wes definitely hates my guts for some reason. Secondly, he's a major dick and I don't want him to want me around. I would rather be anywhere but near him." I scowled, remembering the fight we had two nights ago.

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