Officer Lars 😍♥️

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I hope you guy enjoy the story amd since this is my third story I would love if you would chek out my others two stories--> TEKKEN RAVEN X READER & TEKKEN STEVE X READER!!!! Thanks and enjoyyy!! 😄❤😉💞

Today I call that said I got the job ibe been trying to get for for forever. I'm finally a officer!! I many wait to call Lars and tell him the good news. "Hello." Lars said in a low and rired sounding boice. He sounded so hot. Lars is my best friend and longtime crush from high shcool. He always wanted to be a officer of the law. I did too but my parents didn't think was safe.

"I got the job, your talking to a officual tekken force oficer!" I screamed exvitedly. (A/N Girl calm down before you give yo man ear famage! Lol 😂😂) "AH, jeez (Y/N). Why are you so loud? It's still ealy you know." He sighed. "But congrats, I'm prud of you." I culd tell he was smiling over phone.

<<First day is work>>

I walk over to Lars to say good morning. But fort I had to stand there and admire thos beautiful GOD was he handsome. His blond gravty defyng hair, his blue piercing eyes, his manly nose, his soft lips, his chizeled chest, amd muscular arms. (A/N Well god dang girrl, I'm bout to fall in love 😍) I swear I would take this man down if there so many peopl in here. "Hey, everything okay (Y/N)?" Lars said concernned. "Huh, OH! Yes , of course why wouldnt it be??" I laughed nerbously. I trie to hide my blush.

Lars was asigned to show me around. He was also a signed as my parnter. (A/N Luck you 😉) Which meaned we would be spending a lot time together.

We were given our firsts assigning and left on the misson. A man was robbing a grocery stire. He wad holding captives ins the store. "Okay you go around back im going to distract hom from the front." Lars said in a stern voice. "God he was so sext when he was serious. "Got it." I said trying to sound like I was not just thinking dirty thoughts.

I followed through with Lars's ppan but the guy that came with me made a noise and the perpitraotor shot me. I blacked out.

I faded in and out of conscousnes and saw lot of brigt lights and sometime Lars. I woke up in a hospital bed and Lars was alseep in the chair next to me. "Lars." I murmured. He shot up awake..he looked like a mess. "(Y/N)! Are you okay? Are you n pain?" He aksed with corcned. I dint get a chance to answer before is ran down the hall to get a doctor. I could hear him in the halway. "Docter! Docter! I need a docter in room 401 now.!!" He yelled.
A docter finnally came In to check on me. Lars ran in to hold me hand. My heart melted. "Is she going to be okay plz tell me docter!" Lars esxpressed.
"I'm fine you could tell him that!" I said giving Lars a look telling him too calm down. "All of you vitals were missed by the bullet and you will make a full recovery. Most likely will you be released in two day." The docter sais with a smile and left the room.

"Oh thank God." Lars sighd with a smile. "I thought o almost lost you their." I giggled it made me happy to see him care for me so much. "When they release You, I'm going to pampar you. I'm so sorry I let happen. Lars said with sad eyes . "IT'S not your fault! It's no ones faukt but that idiot at the grocery store!" I said trying to make him feel better. "Yeah I know. I just don't know what to do if I lose you...because I love you (Y/N). I loved you since high shcool but I know you felt differenty. I just has to tell you because I need you too know." Lars confessed. (A/N O..M..G!!! Get you man!!! 👏👏💞💞) " you too Lars! I thought you only thought of us as frinds I-" I was cut off my his lips pressed against mine. He kissed me gently and slow at firt but eventually I grew rouffer and more passionate. Our tongues danced the tango as he cupped my cheeck and played with my hair. I was in HEAVEN!!! We seperated and gasped for air. (A/N i wish I had a sexy man to make out with 😭😭💔)

<<Two day later>>

I was being releassed from the hospital and Lars ran up and huged me amd kissed me. It was even more passionate this time. "I love you (Y/N)." He said. "I love you to." I smiled. He picked me up bridal style, "Lets take this to my place," he said with a wink.

The end!
Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed!! Byeee!😄😄😘💞

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