New Layer

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"I-I don't understand."

"The ol' 'I found someone else' angle. Kayla I'm really sorry. I-"

"You're breaking up with me because you've developed feelings for another girl and you don't want to cheat on me. You shouldn't be sorry, it's a good reason." Even as I said those words, my whole world was slowly crumbling around me. Stupid feelings, always making me feel and whatnot. Christian is really sweet and honest, but his timing was always shit. Who breaks up with a girl at the end of the date? We went to the movies and now here he stands with a hammer just smashing my perfect little bubble to pieces.

"Kayla, I'm sorry. I just don't want to do something to hurt you." Too late.

"Just leave."

"Can we still be friends? You're a really nice person, sometimes too wrapped up in your art, but I don't want to let you go completely." I blinked. Too wrapped up in your art. Wrapped up in your art. Wrapped up in art. The words echoed inside my head.

"I gotta go Christian." I looked anywhere except at him. No doubt he still noticed the vacancy sign on my forehead as my brain checked out.

"Alright. Call me sometime and maybe we can hang." His reply came from my front door. I didn't slam it or nothing. I was calm. To be honest I was more calm than I thought I would be.

"Kayla is everything ok?" my dad poked his head out of the kitchen. He was a big bear of a man. A tall African-American, he had large muscles and a natural mean-mug when he wasn't smiling.

"Yeah, Christian just broke up with me."

"Oh, you wanna talk about it?"

"Nah, I'm good. So what's for dinner?"

"Quesadillas. Do you want me to handle him?" I let out a small chuckle. My dad and my uncle own a security company. He was the muscle and my uncle was the business man. Dad would probably ask Christian if they could have a talk, then proceed to watch Christian faint, pee his pants, etc.

"Nah, he's not worth it. Can Erica come over?"

"She's always welcome."

"'Kay." I made my way up to my studio. Erica has a workshop in her basement and I have a studio in my attic. My main mediums are photography and acrylic. I do abstract paintings, and I've started to do some digital work. My aunt works in the art industry and sells my work for me. She gets 5% and I get the rest. Erica's mom sells her clothes to a local boutique. Both of us take commissions in our spare time. Needless to say this is one story where the parents aren't loaded, the kids are. Due to parental mandate two-thirds of our richness goes into a college fund and the other third is spending money. I know what you're thinking, that's a lot of damn spending money. Yeah, that's what we said too.

I called up Erica and invited her over, checked my email, checked my DA page, checked my bank account to see if I received the rest of the payment on a recent commission (I did), and proceeded to sketch out a comic I've been working on. Erica arrived just in time for dinner. After dinner Erica and I went for some ice cream.

"Remember that saying the devil's in the details?" Erica asked.

"Mhmm," I affirmed around a spoonful of bubblegum flavored ice cream. Hey, don't judge.

"In six months, you guys have been on six dates and on the last date he breaks up with you at six o'clock."

"Are you suggesting Christian is the devil?" I grinned.

"I'm not suggesting anything. I'm just noticing the details."

"You realize his name is Christian, right?"

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