the road has finally ended.

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The road has finally ended Looking back fifteen years from now Dilip could only be grateful. He had led a very difficult life. He had a perfect life but he had thrown it all away and for what? Only for a girl who did not seem to exist. After realising his fatal error he gave up on his life in mumbai. He decided to live on in kolkata. He had called his family once and gave them all details except his where abouts and never spoke to them again. So what did he do? Obviously first few weeks he slept in the gutter,eating out of the dustbins and then after his leg healed he decided to earn something so he started begging and would earn close to Rs 30 a week. Life was tough but was getting better. Within the next month he could afford a piece of bread for 5 day's. Then one day a man came to him offering a job of a tea seller without hesitation he accepted it and earned Rs 10 every day. The man even offered a shed under a garage. The man at first was kind but became brutal later beating him for the minutest of mistakes. Eventually Dilip left the job as he was notable to take the beatings anymore. So he again was back at sleeping in gutters but he never spent his earnings saving them for a faithful day. 6 months passed one day a couple boys came upto him and said he looked like he needed some help so they asked if he would help them steal, reluctantly he accepted it. The next day the leader of the boys bought 2 hammers and chisels and told him the plan it he took them to a building which looked old put was being repainted at particulat flats. The plan was that the boys would distract the boori ma that gaurded there while dilip and he broke their new basin and stole it. The plan was in action flawlessly the boori ma was easily distracted and dilip and the leader, Dev stole the basin. And made and immediate run on the way one of the boys stole a bunch of skeleton keys and a small bundle that may have been holding little money. Dilip just had time to see the boori ma being scolded for the theft and she and her belongings being chucked out until he got mixed into the crowd. dilip and his gang soon became a well known gang of theives after their stealing spree almost tripled. They now had earned a name in the black market. Now dilip had turned 26. So the realisation dawned upon him about the greater good he could do but he had to go on. One day he met a girl named Shrini. She was beautiful and talented. There was something about her he couldnt fathom but both of them were attracted to eachother. So dilip talked to his gang and told that it was time he left but when he entered their hideout. He found all his friends mutilated the only thing not covered in blood were the 2 bags of money having total of Rs20000 and his savings. There was a note over Dev's body saying that blood was to be paid by blood. Dilip took the money and ran.He and Shrini ran away farway to mumbai. Dilip had almost forgotten this place. But here he was where it all had begun. They bought a small one bedroom apartment and dilip took the job of driving rickshaws. The next 15 years they say is history. He now owned a multimillion dollar company and had 3 kids he had discovered a lot of secrets of life in that time including that of his wife's which he now at the end of this will he gives his wife his company as she is his beauty love and that the now the secret of his wife was that his wife was none other than his long lost love Rohini as she had the same scar under neck and still wore the same necklace which he himself had carved. At the end when he leaves for his journey towards eternity he can only change his idea on love that "love is tragedy as well as a blessing and it assumes a form of one of those to a person who deserves it".

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