Chapter 3

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Pic of 'The face' here ^ or here > Just because.... Why not?

-Aleks POV- (A/N Didn't see that coming did you >:D ...but you probably did.. *sigh*)

I was just being normal everyday me, sitting alone not talking. Getting punched in the locker room. Normal. Something changed though at lunch. I was just sitting there and someone came over, that's normal I am right between the trash cans. But whoever it is just sort of stayed, after a few minutes whoever it was leaned down in front of me.

??: hello my names Eddie I'm new here and I was wondering if we could be friends?

Eddie huh. That's a nice name... I hope he leaves soon... before I can comprehend whats's happening he's lifting my head up. He has beautiful  chocolaty eyes- What no Aleks don't get attached show no emotion. I look at the floor even though he's still holding my head up only allowing eye contact for a second. 

(A/N EYE CONTACT xD I'm sorry ahahahha I'll leave)

Weird think is he has red hair... It reminds me of that girl that came over last yeah with the purple hair.... He lets go of my head and I snap it back to where it was. He squeezes up between the trash cans and his leg brushes against me. I stiffen, who would't if a random strangers leg just rubbed up against you.

Eddie: you have a really cute nose

Wait what. I look over at him slowly. Is this kid serious he just called my nose... cute? He gives me a big smile and I look back to my lap, relaxing a bit. I keep having to remind myself no emotion. He will leave right? Right.

Eddie: hmm you don't talk much do you?

I chuckle haha no shit really havn't for three year's now where has this guy been.

Eddie: that's ok I'll just have to do the talking for both of us, I don't know your name so I'll call you.....

Oh god a pet name. Wonderful.

Eddie: I think I'll call you cupcake, why might you ask well your hair sort of reminds me of chocolate frosting

Cupcake that's cute I blush a little. No. No emotion.

Eddie: cupcake do you not like me to be here?

I didn't mean to look over I didn't mean to shake my head. But I did. It happened I didn't tell him to go away. I should have nodded. I should have not done anything. 

Eddie: hey cupcake where's your next class?

I don't know what's making me do these things I just am. I point over to the yellow hall where my English class is. The bell rings and Eddie jumps up. He followed me to my English class and apparently we have the same class. Great. I need to get away from him. I have to remind myself.

Don't get attached.

-Authors Note-

Quick update because I'm being held againt my will

Help me my friend is forcing me to update

She's thretening to eat my donut and I'm scared.


anyway Love ya 

Un-Edited because I am LAZY 

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