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The sudden jerk and screeched stop of his parents Mercedes jolted Art from his thoughts. His dad turned to him from the front seat, and smiled a smile that didn't reach his eyes. Regis Reed's eyes were suspiciously moist. "We're here, kiddo," he said gruffly.

Art's mother, who only a few minutes ago had released heart-wrenching sobs, was quietly wiping her tears. No parent wanted to send their kid off to possible death; but this was not a time of peace. With the instability of the economy and the ongoing war, it was either send the child off to the Caine Youth Camp, and receive payment for their service, or starve. Even the richest of families, like the Reeds, had no choice. There was no third option.

The Youth camp loomed ahead of the Reed family as they stepped out of the car. Art slung his duffel bag over his scrawny shoulders, and his mother pulled him into her side. His father carried his suitcase.

Hand in hand they walked towards the entrance of the building. The youth camp was large, dark, and gloomy. The reception office was deserted, except for the beady eyed, old receptionist woman who glared at the Reed's from behind her wire-rimmed spectacles. Art placed his duffel bag on the floor, and smiled hesitantly at her.

"Name?" Her voice screeched.

"Arturo Reed" Art mumbled.

"Hah!?" Art thought her voice couldn't get any shriller-he was wrong. " Speak up boy, I can hardly hear you, what with all the noise going on"

The noise she spoke of was the sound of jet engines flying overhead, and the distant synchronized shouting of young boys and girls.

"Arturo Reed" Art said a lot louder than last time.

"Arturo" She mumbled as she typed away on her keyboard. The clacking of keys being hit went on for several minutes before the old biddy finally looked up with a puckered mouth (as if she had recently eaten a lemon).

"Class C, Mr. Reed, a tour guide will be with you soon" She screeched to him.

With a manicured red nail, she pressed down a button on an intercom and screeched into it " Escort from Class C, front desk, NOW!" The shouted last word resulted in painful feedback that made Art cringe.

And with that she went back to typing on the keyboard, completing tuning out the Reed family.

Art turned to his parents, and looked at them, memorizing every feature: the sad smiles, and bright eyes, the crinkles that etched from the corners of their eyes, the wisps of white hair that danced on their temples. But most of all he memorized the love shining from their eyes.

They pulled him close into the warmth of their arms, and the Reed family hugged for a long time.

Finally, they pulled away, his mother smiled as she wiped tears from her eyes" You be good now, Art, eat your vegetables, and be nice to the other boys. Hmm?" She gave him a watery smile, as she brushed strands of blonde hair from his face.

" I will, mom" he promised, tears clogging his throat-he held them in.

Art turned to his father, who extended a hand " I'm proud of you son" he said with an unusually raspy voice. Art took his fathers warm hand, and clasped it tight. He had always loved hearing those words.

Regis Reed reached into his suit pocket, and pulled out a long, slim box, and handed it to Art. "For good luck", he said with a wink.

Art opened the box, it was a chain with a musical note charm. He smiled, his father always knew exactly what to get him. He hugged both of his parents, and this time they broke apart at the sound of someone clearing their throat.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2014 ⏰

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