chapter 6

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No one POV

'Just when I took interest on someone'reborn thought to himself while walking toward Lal childhood friend mansion.he glare at collonel who walking in front of him,collonel feel the glare feel shiver down his spine,he turn around and see that it reborn who glare at him,he quickly walk even more faster foward,making everyone raise their eyebrow but figure it out after they felt the enormous killing intent coming from reborn except hayato,takeshi and hibari.

"Um..what wrong with your mate lal-san?"

Hayato ask,Lal sigh and tell them what she know,even thought they don't understand much they still nod their head.after 10 more minute walking they finally arrive in front of the mansion,they stop on their track.Lal walk foward and enter the gate follow by everyone at her back,she knock on the door.


She knock 2 time and she here a faint 'coming'and wait.the door open and reveal her childhood friend Giotto,she smile.

"Yo long time no see Giotto"

She greet,Giotto smile.

"Long time no see indeed,come in"

He said and gesture his he and for the guest to enter,they enter and sit on the couch.

"So where the cutie?"

Lal ask after she take her sit and mammon nod her head.Giotto smile and said.

"He upstairs taking a bath after hearing the news that your coming"

He said,chuckle a little remember how he little brother jump up and down,exited after hearing the news.Lal smile and nod.

"So who the other?"

He ask noticing a few new face he never seen before,Lal look around and start to introduce each of them to Giotto.

"Oh so you guys are the one that tsuna want to introduce to me"

He said smiling.then they heard some noise


The door slam open and reveal the twin,the twin walk toward one of the couch and sit,Lal have a scowl on her face.

"Who are they?"

Lal ask still scowling. Giotto smile and said.

"This is my twin sister Sakura and Saya"

He said and gesture his hand toward them.

Sakura POV

Giotto-nii said that tonight he gonna brought his childhood friend over so I need to ready myself,I wear my favorite white gown and Saya wear her favorite black gown.after we finish we heard a door being open and some chatting noise after at the living room,I look toward my sister and she look at me we nod our head in unison and slam open the door.we walk toward one of the couch and sit on it,then the girl who sit in front of me has a scowl on her face as she ask Giotto-nii who are we,giotto-nii answer with a smile and introduce us.I look around and my crimson eye meet with a narrow onyx eye,I feel my face start to heat up'he so handsome'i thought to myself, he wear a black suit,white under shirt,black pant and a fedora with an orange strip.I stare at him for who know how long until my sister nudged me.

"See someone you like?"

She ask in whisper tone so that no one can hear,I smile at her and point toward him,she look at him and then look back at me.

"He handsome"

My sister,I scowl and said.

"No you can't take him,he mine for the taking"

I whisper yell at her,she chuckle a little and said.

"Ok,ok I won't take him"

She whisper to me and I smile.

No one POV

Giotto invite them for lunch and their move toward the dining room,they all take their seat and stare at the food in front of them.

"Is he the one who cook?"

Lal ask feeling a little exited it been a while since she last eat tsuna cooking,Giotto smile and nod.collonel who sit beside Lal ask.

"Why do you ask?"

He ask feeling a little curious about his mate behavior.Lal look at him and whisper to him.

"Take a bite and you know why"

She said,collonel raise his eyebrow and took a bite,he froze.Lal and mammon smirk while fon and reborn look toward they food and thought'is it that bad?'they thought and also take a bite,they froze.

"It the best food I ever taste!!"

Collonel shout,fon and reborn nod their head agree on what collonel said.collonel look toward Lal and ask.

"Who the cook?"

He ask,fon and reborn also look at Lal and waiting for an answer but before he can the dining room door open slowly and reveal a little brunette wearing a white shirt and brown pant,he smile brightly and said.


He exclaim,gokudera shot up from his seat.


He beam,tsuna smile and walk toward the empty seat,he sit on it and look toward his left,he the man he meet at the forest yesterday his face begin to heat up,he quickly look down.reborn was in state of shock when he saw the brunette he take interest open the door and smile brightly,the brunette walk toward him and sit beside him,he look at him.the brunette face was red when he saw him and quickly look down.reborn who finally snap out of his shock state whisper in tsuna ear.

"Found you"
.sorry if there a wrong grammar and I hope you enjoy😊

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