chapter 3

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(!) im gonna update like shattered memories one day then this the next.. or sometimes even both in one day :D(!)

Beta stood looking at alpha then to me in confusion

"you know this wolf?"

she asked. alpha straightened up but kept his gaze on me.

"yes, he is a mistake of are code!"

a growl rumbled in my throat

"I may be a mistake of the code, but the code is stupid! wheres freedom in the code? no ware! I'm glade to not be apart of your code!"

alpha growled

"they day i banished you i told my wolves that we have a right to kill you!"

he jumped forward, and i jumped to the side dodging him

"you may be faster, but you are not stronger!"

alpha snarled running at me, this time i jumped at him, trying to get a grip on his scruff. but he through me off, i stared at him limp, and not getting up, but i readied my back legs. as soon as he was in front of me i shoot forward grasping his leg in my jaws, and biting hard.

"AHHG you little-"

he was cut off as i knocked the rest of his paws from under him and held him down with my paw. he threw me forward and i stumbled in my place.

"do you really think your stronger then me?"

alpha growled.

"no just smarter"

i replied. anger flashed in his eyes and he launched again, stumbling on his injured paw. i was about to attack, but beta steeped between me and alpha. alpha skidded to a halt.

"what are you doing?"

"alpha, do you really think its wise to fight now? are pack is injured from the fire, and we need a Strong alpha to lead us through this"

alphas eyes widened in anger

"are you saying i cant win?"

beta shook her head

"no I'm saying you probably will win, but with what injuries? we need a Strong leader now more then ever. this fighting is no good for the health of the pack."

alpha closed his eyes as to think, then turned to me

"you will leave, and don't think you can come to us for help, lone wolf"

he snarled.

"why would i need help from you?"

I replied. beta turned.

"leave, this is not your place"

alpha turned to a black wolf

"pitch, escort frost away from here, make sure hes not in or hunting grounds"

pitch nodded and padded to me. i walked besides him as he lead me out of the make shift camp. we walked to the river, and i could see small flames still flickering in the trees.

"how do you expect me to go through there?"

"not my problem"

pitch snarled

"just leave!'

he snarled as i hesitated and pushed me into the river. i growled in frustration as the currant pulled me some, but then i swam across. i looked back in anger as pitch stalked away. the forest in front of me had a few flickering flames here and there. i stalked through the brambles, the ground still hot underneath me. i walked till i was out of sight from the river and sat down. i licked the blood clean from a scratch on my back. i pain came to me and i remembered my burnt tail. 

hopefully i can find some cotton leaf, mother said it would help burns

i remembered my mother, how she always toughed me things alpha didn't know, like healing leafs.

maby i should also get some spider webs to stick some leafs to my tail?

i thought to my self and nodded. i padded off, hoping i could find some cotton leaf. mostly all the leafs around me were burnt and i knew id have to find a place to rest before heading home. Unless i dared try getting home, with flames still alive in the forest, who knows what id run into? 

i tried looking beyond the thick forest, and could only make out bright yellow and ornge flames behind them... wait..which way is home?

I turned my head looking to see if anything was familiar, but i was to panicked running with beta that i didn't pay attion!  i sighed and looked back to were i came from, i could here the river from here, and knew the pack would be right by it, but i cant go to the for help. and i don't want to!

i walked forward some till i found a fallen tree, its bark blackened by the fire. under the tree was a little cave, the other end covered by rocks. i sighed.

should i really rest here? its sheltered but i in the forest... but if i go looking for home..

My thoughts got cut of as a large bang rumbled across the sky. i looked up, and relized that the sky had turned grey. A large drop of water pelted me in the middle of my muzzle, and i jumped back, soon many more fell, and i ran to the sheltering cave. it was cramped, but dry. 

oh spirit wolfs.... why did you send the fire?


  I sat at the edge of camp, all my wolves accounted for but beta, i sighed hoping shed be ok... the fire came from no ware and we were Frost to cross the river. suddenly a bright light flickered by the river and flames erupted there..

at least it cant cross the river.

Something showed in the fire,i saw wolves! but they weren't burning they were fighting, One wolf with stood above all them, standing o a dead wolf like it was a trophy. red flames crowded around this wolf and i knew what it meant. crimson! hes gonna attack! can my pack fight so close after this?

i heard splashing and looked at the river, beta and a white wolf fallowed.


I looked back to the fire but the pictures were gone and looked back as beta and frost came into camp, a growl rumbled in my throat.

the message didn't mean crimson! it meant his son frost! he will only bring trouble!

i jumped down from my perch.

i will kill you frost, before you kill my pack

(!) Here it is, my sister is on her laptop allot sense she got the Sims 3, so i get times on weekends when shes gone or when shes plying her gatair (like now :P) so here it is(!)

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 12, 2014 ⏰

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