chapter four

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“Something isn’t right Kalen, I can feel it…” looking out the truck window as his brother drives slowly down the road. “We’ll find her man… don’t worry we’re going to find her.” Frowning seeing tire tracks going into the woods. “Shit…” pulling the truck over getting out, Kaleb already sprinting from it before it’s fully stopped.

“Tasha!” yelling her name sliding down the embankment, freezing seeing the car. “Oh gods no…” running through the snow as best as he can, digging it away from the driver side door, Kalen joining him quickly pushing the snow out of the way, ripping the door open. “Don’t move her, her neck might be injured Kaleb, she’s still breathing her chest is moving.” checking her pulse carefully. “Just get her out Kalen, she needs help!” reaching in undoing her seatbelt, helping Kalen move her out carefully, lifting her into his arms letting him support her head as they climb back up to the truck, getting into the back seat with her carefully. “Kalen turn the heat up, her lips are blue! She’s fucking freezing!” holding her head on his lap to keep it still. “Stay with me Tasha, just hold on we’re going to get you some help…” picking a shirt up off the floor ripping a clean strip of fabric from it, putting it against the gash in her head gently, laying his jacket over her. Not taking his eyes off her once during the drive back to the manor.

Natasha felt heat starting to enter her stiff and frozen limbs, relaxing slowly. “Mmm…” Trying to open her eyes feeling a rough hand enclosed around her own, a thumb rubbing over her knuckles slowly. “Natasha… Tasha can you hear me…? It’s Kaleb, your safe now… I have you.” Stroking her hair back from her cheek with his free hand, watching her try and move her cheek against his hand, looking confused hearing her mumble the word rough to herself, looking at his hand frowning. Smiling, looking back down at her hearing a broken purr coming from her chest, lifting her hand gently kissing the back of it softly. “Kalen did you call ahead...?” looking at him in the mirror. “I called Izzy, she’s letting the healer know we’re on our way they’ll be ready when we get there.” Rolling his window down leaning out putting a code in opening the gate driving in quickly.

Shadow walkersOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora