Chapter 2

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I walked into my next class, Mrs. Lynn. I was the fifth person here so she called out to me, "Take a seat anywhere please."

I sat anyway from everyone. I don't know anyone here so if I sat by someone else then it would just be awkward. I sat there for a moment waiting for class to start. Jon Cozart walked in and spotted me sitting alone. He came towards me and said, "You won't make any friends if you sit alone."

"Well I have you if that counts." I said smiling.

"It counts I guess."

"Cozart don't make me move you."

"Yes, ma'm." He replied and stopped talking.


Once class was over I walked out with Jon. We didn't talk much until a girl came up and was obsessing over Jon. "Hey can you make a new video please." She said like a YouTube fangirl. She looked at me and said, "Why are a you here?"

"I go to school here." I said.

"Well of coarse you do but why are you with Jon?" her question bugging me but I pulled back from yelling at her. A bunch of girls started to surround Jon. I figured it would be best to leave so I started to head back to the dorm and start on homework.

"Liz wait. " I heard him call. I turned around to see him running towards me his shirt off and being fought over by the girls.

"Thats a good look on you." I said and laughed.

He laughed then said, "Can I stop at your place for a couple hours, me and my roommates are having an argument so the less time with them the better."

"Ya sure I'm not sure if my roommate knows you so if thats a problem." I said.

"There's no problem at all I think I've had enough of fangirls for today anyway." He said.

"So I'm not a fangirl?"

"You're the good kind of fangirl." I smiled at that and we ran to my dorm. We walked in and I saw that my roommate was gone. I shut the door and he pulled out a t shirt from his bag.

"What do you always keep an extra shirt with you?" I asked as he put it on.

"Ya sometimes just in case something happens like if I spill something on it or that happens." I laughed at him and sat down on my bed.

He sat next to me and I asked, "So for SoundProofLiz I think it would be better for both of us if you guest starred on my show." I cant deal with awkward situations so thats just how I deal with them.

"Ya that would be great." He said.

"Ok great umm so should we just think of something to do right now or should I text you or something?"

"Well if you're going to text me you need my number." He said with a smirk.

"Then why don't I get that number." I said continuing our bad conversations. He just laughed and gave me his phone. I gave him mine and we put in our numbers. I put in 'SexyProofLiz' for mine and he put 'Jon Paints Mozart' for his. I smiled looking at his contact.

"Ok well I should probably head back. I'll text you later." He said.

"Ok bye don't get attacked on the way there." I warned.

"I wont."

Right as the door closed I got a text from him. 'Later means now : )'

'Now its even later' I said back.

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