Downtown: Chapter 8

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Yn: wait Marcus I can explain

Marcus: explain what Yn....that you kissed another n*gga ? F*ck that sh*t bro.

Yn: watch who the f*ck your talking to cause I'm not one of your little friends that you can say disrespectful sh*t it was a mistake and im sorry babe

Marcus: your really sorry ?

Yn: yes I really am...

Marcus: okaay....F*UCK YOU *punches yn*

August: *jumps on Marcus* WHY THE *punch* F*UCK WOULD *punch* YOU *punch* HIT HER *punch* DUMB *punch* B*TCH N*GGA

Yn: *holding face* Aug stop he's not worth it

August: ightt *walks away* *gets in the car*

Yn: *in her car* F*UCK *drives home



I'm sorry this is chapter is hella short but I have writers block soo yeaa

~ MissOmgThangg

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2014 ⏰

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