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Name: Keegan Lewis
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Gay
Favorite stuffed animal: Dolphin boy
Issues/Disorders: Abandonment problems, anorexia, anxiety disorders, bipolar disorder, Schizophrenia, PTS, psychosis.
Parents/grandparents/Foster/Adopted: Foster home.
Birthday: April 3, 2005
Species/race: Human, Caucasian
Height: 5'7
Weight: 95 lbs
Relationship: Single
Occupation:Middle School Student
Speech: Made up words, swears
Likes: Colors, dolphins, bathtubs, music
Dislikes: Yelling, bright lights, scary movies, people, being cornered
Secrets:Swears he was a dolphin is past life,can "talk" to ghost and other supernatural.
Fears: Dying, police, parents.
Food: Strawberries
Color: Pastel Pink
Number: 2
Holiday: Halloween
Season: Autumn
Time of day: Midnight
Thing to watch: Disney
Movie: Nightmare before Christmas
Show: Doc McStuffins
Type of art: Splatter abstract
Genre of music: Classical
Genre of literature: History
Genre of movies: Comedy
Background story: Keegan's parents always fought, one time it went too far and his mother killed his father. She was arrested and Keegan was transported to a foster home. He bounced from one to another. He was too difficult for the families. He's so many bad things happen, he isn't even bothered anymore. He has developed much disorders, making him more difficult to care for. Keegan often gets into physical fights, with the other children, either biting or use the curses he's found in a book, and trying to make them turn into dust or anything along those lines. Currently he is with a lady, Angela, who he adores.

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