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DName: Angel Lane
Age: 9
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Questioning
Favorite stuffed animal: Black cat
Issues/Disorders: Ocd
Parents/grandparents/Foster/Adopted: Parents
Birthday: June 25,
Species/race: Human, Caucasian
Height: 4'1
Weight: 87 Lb
Relationship: Single
Occupation: Elementary
Speech: Soft speaket
Likes: Colors, unicorns, apples the most,
Dislikes: Yelling, Loud music, rock music, spaghetti
Secrets: None
Fears: Clowns, animals, being alone
Food: Mac & cheese
Color: Blue
Number: 59
Holiday: Valentine's day
Season: Spring
Time of day: Early morning
Thing to watch: Anime
Movie: Coraline
Show: Once Upon A Time
Type of art: Manga
Genre of music: Pop
Genre of literature: Romance
Genre of movies: Romancce
Background story: Angel is a regular kid. She gets straight A's, her parents are still married, she has a nice big house. Nothing bad has really happened.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2018 ⏰

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