The Hand We've Been Dealt

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After dinner, Ashley and Patty Ann washed dishes and cleaned up while Ruth helped Jessica to the living room.

They had planned to play a board game and relax by the fire place. Wayne went to the upstairs closet to choose a game. He chose Monopoly. He then walked downstairs to set up the game.

Jessica laid on the sofa while things were getting set up. She kept tracking the contractions and so far they were twenty minutes apart. She knew from her past experience that she would be okay.

When she was in labor with Wayne, she was in labor for twelve hours before going to the hospital and with Patty Ann was almost the same. Although, she knew things could be different this time.

Jessica hoped that the snow would clear up by that time and the roads would be plowed of snow before she had to worry. Also, her water hadn't broken yet, so Jessica kept a positive outlook of her situation. All she has to do now was hide the fact that she was having any contractions.

Soon, the game was set up and everyone was in their pajamas for the night. They all gathered around Jessica and began to play.

They played, laughed and had a great time. Jessica managed to hide her contractions well. She didn't let on; she knew they would be twenty minutes apart and every time she would prepare for them.

However, Ruth could tell something was going on. She noticed how Jessica would look at the clock every so often. But she didn't ask Jessica anything because Jessica looked fine on the outside.

Finally, the game came to an end by ten pm and Jessica was the winner. She did a little dance in her seat and everyone laughed at her reaction to winning.

They then proceeded to put the game away and get ready for bed. They all said goodnight and went to their rooms.

Ruth then helped Jessica into their bed. Ruth tucked Jessica in then made her way to the bathroom.

While Ruth was in the bathroom, Jessica had another contraction and she was able to let out a low moan. That contraction was more painful than the others.

So far, Jessica has been having contractions for four hours. Once it passed, Jessica laid her head back and sighed. Now that it was over, she was determined to get some sleep while she could.

Ruth returned to the room and walked over to the window. "It's bad out there. No one is leaving anytime soon." She said then she proceeded to close the curtains.

Ruth then turned out the lights and got into bed. Jessica scooted over and laid her head on Ruth's chest. Ruth hugged her and kissed her lips.

"Goodnight, Jess." Ruth said as she laid her head in the pillow.
"Goodnight, Ruth." Jessica said with a yawn.

Surprisingly, Jessica managed to fall asleep and didn't even feel her contractions when they would come every twenty minutes.

But by 3 am, Jessica sat up in bed with one of the worst contractions she's had. She tried to be quiet but a sob escaped her lips.

Ruth woke up to find Jessica sitting up, her back against the headboard of the bed.

"Jessica?" Ruth said as she turned on the lamp beside the bed. Ruth noticed tears rolling down Jessica's cheeks and that she was breathing heavily. "What's wrong?"
Jessica looked at Ruth with a worried expression. "I...I think I'm in labor!" She said as the pain passed.
"What?!" Ruth said as she shot out of bed. "How long have you been having contractions?"
"They started a little before dinner." Jessica said as she rubbed her belly in gentle circles. "I didn't say anything because they weren't consistent and were far apart. Ruth...I'm scared. What if the baby comes now? What are we going to do?" Jessica sobbed as she grew more worried.
"Shhhh, it's going to be okay." Ruth said as she pulled Jessica into a hug. "Let's just keep calm and we'll take this step by step. For now, let's keep track of your contractions then we'll call Dr. Rice and ask him what we should do. Okay, please calm down."

Jessica nodded and after a few moments, she calmed down.

"Let's not tell the kids just yet." Ruth said. "Let's try to get some rest and please, let me know when you have a contraction."
"Okay." Jessica said in a whisper.

Jessica laid back down and tried to go back to sleep, but her mind raced with worry. She couldn't help it.

Throughout the night, Ruth timed Jessica's contractions and they were now fifteen minutes apart.

By 9 am, the contractions were ten minutes apart. It was now time to call Dr. Rice.

As Ruth spoke to him, Jessica was in the middle of a contraction. She laid curled in a ball, as much as her belly allowed and breathed through the pain.

"Did her water break?" Dr. Rice asked over the phone.
"No, not yet." Ruth replied. "The only things that has happened was her contractions changed to ten minutes apart."

Dr. Rice sighed; he was really concerned. "Normally, I would suggest to head over to the hospital, but...the streets are not safe to drive on. Okay...get a notepad and pen and write down everything I say."

Ruth grabbed a pen and notebook then began to write everything down that Dr. Rice was saying.

They spent a good amount of time on the phone and when Ruth finally hung up, she let out a heavy sigh.

"What did Dr. Rice say?" Jessica asked as she looked over at Ruth.
"Well...Jess..." Ruth began as she went over to sit beside Jessica. "He said normally, we should be heading over to the hospital. But, the roads are too horrible to drive on."
"So, what are trying say?" Jessica asked worriedly.
"Jessica, we are going to have to...we have no choice but to deliver the baby here." Ruth said.
"What?!" Jessica said as she sat up. "No! What if something goes wrong?!"
"Jessica, we can't think like that." Ruth said placing her hands on Jessica's shoulders. "This is the hand we've been dealt and we will get through this. Now, Dr. Rice said to continue to monitor your contractions and wait for your water to break. After that, he said to just trust your body. He said it'll know what to do."
Jessica sobbed and said. "I'm so scared!"
Ruth pulled Jessica into hug and held her close. "It's going to be okay." She said. "It just has to be."

In that moment, Ruth prayed with all her might that her words would become true.

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