Hospital Again

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The pair of friends stepped into the hospital and were greeted by the great smell of that weird perfume smell. It was either the lighting or the smell that made Veronica feel uneasy as she walked into the depressing room. After a moment of waiting in line, a receptionist came to the lobby and asked for a name.

"Dominic," said Hunter as he signed in.

" Yeah, " Veronica said under her breath.

"His room is on floor three down the hall and it is the fourth in your left," said the receptionist as she pointed to the elevator. "Room  306."

"Thank you," Hunter said as he walked towards the elevator. "Roni, are you coming?"

Veronica just stared at the elevator at the back of the room. Heart pounding and hands sweating, she got out the one word that could make it break her life. "Yes."

"Well we should go! Hopefully he will be ok." Hunter grabbed Roni by the arm. "Don't worry. Everything will be ok."

Together, they walked toward the elevator. With each step, Veronica started shaking. Hunter pressed the up button and the doors opened with a loud creek. They stepped inside and rode up in silence.

Once they arrived they walked a few feet. Veronica felt as if she couldn't walk any further. The ground began to shake more and more with each step.

A moment later, they arrived. Veronica's heart raced faster than ever before. She felt light headed as Hunter touched the doo and then, all went completely black.


"Roni. Roni."

She heard a voice and opened her eyes slowly to see Vanessa standing over her with her perfect smile. Veronica looked around and noticed that she was in a hospital bed as florescent lights blinded her.

"What's going on?"

"You fainted Roni," Vanessa said she she kissed her sister in the cheek. " is everything alright? You have never fainted before. "

"Uh, yeah. I'm good just worried about Dom." That same gut feeling came back to her, remembering all that she had done.

What the heck is happening to me? This is not who I am! Or is it? Who am I anymore? I can't believe what I've done! Nessa will hate me when I tell her!

"Roni, I don't want to tell you this but Dom passed away an hour ago." Tears started to form in Vanessa's eyes.

Veronica just stared at her for a minute and then came the waterworks. She couldn't stop thinking about Dom and her grandmother. They were two innocent people who didn't deserve to die. Veronica's mind raced when her thoughts were interrupted by Vanessa.

"No matter what happens, just know that you will always be my favorite person no matter what happens."

" Really? " Veronica asked.

"Totally! I love you Roni." Veronica started to cry even more at her sister's kind words. She reached out to give her a hug and the two embraced for a moment. "Come on! The doctor said you could go. Hunter had to leave for work. Let's go get some ice cream. On me whatever you like!"

"Thanks Vanessa! I'm glad to have a sister like you."

And with that the two girls left the hospital, hand in hand, and left to go to Pete's Polar Parlor just down the street. Everything felt full again between the two girls except for Veronica's deep, dark secret.


Hey guys! Hope you are enjoying my story! We are almost at 300 reads which is incredible so thank you so much!!!!!! If you have not already, go check out Colleen's Secret Life or My Imaginary Life. Also, I want to give a shout out to my friend Sydney who is currently writing a story here on Wattpad. Go follow her MiraculouSydney and read her story The Fairy Tale Secret! Again thank you for all the support and expect an update soon on all of my books!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 08, 2018 ⏰

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