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~ Ethan pov ~
"Ok so what happened " gray said
"Ok so I told my eteeweetee" Veronica laughed as I playful pushed her as she laughed
"To get up and he said to come sleep with him a few min and I said no so he said come here so I came and he drag me to the bed and we fell asleep so then we a little 12 year old" as Veronica said that I chuckled as Emma rolled her eyes as Grayson looked at me and I stoped laughing
"She yelled and Me and Ethan woke up as she told her story and called me a slut and she pulled Ethan to hug her and then I slapped her and hit her" Veronica shrugged
"Oh boy what's your story emma"

(A/n: I don't wanna put Emma side of the story cause I'm lazy to write it but )

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