Princess Pulitzer and a Dreamer

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Hey, so I know Newsies is old and stuff, but I still love it. So here's some Jackerine fanfic. Enjoy!

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"Hey, beautiful." Jack says, leaning on the locker next to Katherine's. Her cheeks heated up when she heard him call her beautiful even though she knew it was friendly. She grabbed her book and shut her locker.

" Hey, cowboy. " Katherine replies.

" Heh. " Jack chuckles, the cigar hanging from his mouth.

Just like they did everyday, Katherine hooked her unoccupied arm under his and he walked her to class.

" How many times do I have to tell you that you can't have cigars in school? " Katherine says, pulling Jack's cigar from out of his mouth and throwing it in the nearest trash can.

" Hey! You'se paying for that. " Jack says.

" For a ¢25 cigar? Na, I'm fine. " Katherine says, hooking her arm back under his.

" I didn't say you'se had an option, princess. " Jack says, tickling Katherine's stomach.

Katherine ends up on the locker as Jack tickles her, laughing loudly.

" You'se gon' buy me my cigar now, huh? " Jack says.

" Y--- haha, hahaa! Yes! Yes! " Katherine says.

" Ah, ok, princess. " Jack says, his hands in the air. Katherine finishes laughing and playfully pushes Jack.

" Hey, watch it. " Jack warns her.

" Ok, ok. Truce. " Katherine says, putting her hand out for him to shake. He grabs her hand and shakes it.

They both smile at each other.

" I gotta go. " Katherine says.

" So I ain't walking you'se to class? " Jack says.

" Its just one day, Jack. I'm not gonna die. You can walk me second period. " Katherine jokes.

" Mhm. " Jack hums sarcastically.

Katherine smiles at him and they go their separate ways. At one corner, Jack is stopped by Race.

" I'm having a party tomorrow night, and its gon' have them------ ersters. " Race says.

" Oysters. It's oysters, Race. And you'se having a party for nothing? " Jack asks, still walking, Race following behind.

" Teenage parties are always for ' nothing'." Race says.

" That's not true. They for something."

" You dirty-minded idiot. There's ain't gon' be any of that, and I repeat, any of that in my house. " Race promises.

" You can't control teenagers and their hormones, Race. You just can't."

" You'se can't . Race, on the other hand, can."

" Yeah, yeah, yeah, I'll go. Just let me get to class." Jack says.

" You pissed? " Race says.

" Everyone gets pissed when you say 'ersters'." Jack replies.

" Na. Only you, but you always pissed. " Race says and walks away.

I'm not always pissed, Jack thinks. I ain't pissed when I'm with princess.

Jack smiles and heads to class.

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Katherine puts down her plate at the table. She was surrounded by the newspaper boys, Race, Spot, Crutchie, but no Jack.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2019 ⏰

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