my social studies crush

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okay, so i liked this kid last summer right? he was SUCH a cutie. he came to our school in 6th grade and left at the end of 7th, that's when i liked him. i had one class with him and that class was my last class of the day—
                             social studies.
worst class, he made it decent though. anyways, he had teal-ish blue-ish gray-ish eyes you know? cutest smile, great humor—but i didn't really know him. i think it was his eyes that got me, or his smile—maybe both. either way, the chance of him and i dating was like the chance of the titanic not sinking after it hit the iceberg. i still liked to believe that one day it would happen. a few other girls that i knew liked him too, one of them was really good friends with him and she told him that she liked him and it brought them closer. I WAS SO JEALOUS!!! they never ended up dating of course but still. it was the end of the 7th grade for him and i, he was moving and i was kinda sad because i wanted to become his friend. i had been told by someone that he wasn't coming to school on the last day. LIES—but we'll get to that later.      (((( funny thing: he just sent me a snapchat ))))  i had just added him on snapchat and i was all like "imma show myself off looking cute or whateva" i hit puberty that summer going into 8th grade, love that for me. so, since i had thought he wasn't going to school in the last day i decided to tell him. i grew a pair, well—kinda. i had my best friend tell him. he then decided to text me and ask me if i really liked him, i of course said yes. wanna know what he responded with? the letter O. JUST THE LETTER, NOT EVEN AN "H" TO GO WITH IT. i straight up started dying laughing. i wasn't sad, or mad. i didnt really have any thoughts on it other than "really? just O?". i was more disappointed because you can't just do that to someone. i told him the weekend before the last day of school, we had to go back on a monday for the last day. it sucked, but oh well. we have something called pride day and we do it 4 times a school year so the last day was when we were having our last one for that school year. NOT IMPORTANT—but we don't do anything other than just mess around and don't do schoolwork, on purpose. we had a half day that day so i just threw on a tee shirt and some athletic shorts not caring what so ever. i walk into the cafeteria to greet my friends and guess who was there RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME? my friends, not him. hah, gotcha. but just wait it gets better. we went to our first hour which i didn't have any of my friends in that class with me so i was meeting up with them when we got released for the pride party. i walked to my friends and sat down at a table with them and then i saw him. i turned bright red and i remember looking at my best friend and thinking "help" she didn't get the message. her and i later saw him again and i flipped out saying "we can't go over there, he's gonna come over to me!". i was shaking so bad, like worse than when i met wyatt oleff and chosen jacobs.

i now look back on that moment and say to myself "little bitch". it's about—4 months after school ended and i just started school back up 2 weeks ago. just thought you should know.

hope you enjoyed story time with kenzie, thanks.

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