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My alarm went off. Why do I have to go to school? I wish school wasn't a thing. Maybe I should text Kayla because if she isn't coming to school, I'm not. I grab my phone from my desk and text Kayla.
"Hey girl, you coming today?"
"Sorry, I can't because I broke my kneecap. I'll see you when I come to school. Ily,"
"Oh no, I hope you get better soon. Ily2,"
"Thanks girl ❤️,"
I tell my mum, I'm not going to school because I feel unwell and she says alright.
I'm going back to sleep. When I wake up, I check my phone. Omg, there is so many notifications. I open my phone, only to see that Ruel is coming to our school today. Why does it have to be today. I ask my Mum if I can just go to see him but she said no, your sick. Great, my idol is at my school and I can't even see him. My parents are so strict, I hate them ugh. Maybe I could try to sneak out, I don't know. I guess, I won't be going to see the love of my life. I'm going to text this girl who is kind of my friend and kind of not.
"Hey, just wanna ask if you can do a favour for me?"
"Sure, what is it?"
"If you meet Ruel, can you say hi for me and try to video it,"
"Yeah sure, I'll see what I can do,"
"Thanks so much,"
"No problem :),"
OMG this is going to be so cool, I'm going to faint 😍 . I might do some drawing today and maybe play some piano. I go and grab some brunch because its nearly lunch. I'm going to have a sandwich and some yogurt. I make my food and go sit on the couch. I go onto Netflix and click one of my favourite shows which is Black Mirror. I'm watching the episode about social media. It makes you think a lot. I finished my food and pause the tv. I walk up to the sink and wash my plate and bowl. I walk back to the couch and finish the episode. That episode was interesting. I wish I could text Cheetolover but I can't because he said he was busy today. I'm going to get dressed and do something productive. I get into my comfy clothes and start to learn "Dazed and Confused" on the piano. Gee it's a hard song to learn on the piano but you know what I can do it. I have nearly got it the main chords. I'll text Ruby back in a minute to see if she could do it.
"Hey Ruby, could you meet him?
"We could meet him but we won't allowed our phones because than people from other schools will harass him,"
"Oh ok,"
"But I did say hi for you and he said hi and he hopes you get better soon,"
"Aww, he is so nice,"
"He is, I gtg now cya,"
Ruel gee your so sweet. I guess,I will continue leaning Dazed and Confused now.

Side note from Author: my parents aren't strict, I make things up for this story

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