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Xavier and I had made it into town about 30 minutes after he asked me if I was still going to help him. "Evie, stay right here. Ill be back in a minute." Xavier said sternly before turning away from me and walking towards a strange man. I looked around the area I was in. We were in down town Los Angeles, and I had never been here before. It was getting dark by every passing minute. I was only wearing short-shorts and a Panic! At The Disco T- shirt. "Xavier? Are you almost done? Its getting dark and im freezing." I said walking up behind him and tapping his shoulder gently. "U-um. Go get in the car Evie. We have more business to do here tomorrow." He stated softly clearly pissed about something. I nodded and walked back to the car. I sat in the car for what felt like forever, but eventually Xavier came and got in. "We're staying in a hotel." Xavier said shortly. I nodded and gazed out the window. It had started raining. I didnt know what was going to happen, but I felt as if something bad was about to go down. We made it to the hotel, and I stood in the lobby soaking wet and shivering. It was the middle of the summer and I was freezing. "Xavier. Hurry up. I want to take a warm shower and go to bed." I said walking up behind Xavier who was trying to get us a room. "Damn baby. Aren't you cute?" The guy behind the counter said and I heard what I thought was a growl come from Xavier. "Um. Thank you?" I said more as a question than a answer. "Listen dude. I need a room stat. If you dont get me one..." Xavier pulled out his pocket knife and flipped it open threatening the guy in front of him. The guy quickly pulled out a key and handed it to Xavier. We then headed up to our room. "Im getting in the shower." I said walking into the bathroom. Xavier plopped down on the single king sized bed that was sitting in the middle of our room. I took a nice long hot shower before walking back into the room to see Xavier sitting on the bed shirtless. Damn he is hot. "I guess ill sleep in the floor?" I said as more of a question than a statement. "No. Come here." Xavier said shortly. I walked over to the bed and he moved over ad patted the bed beside him. "What? Im not sleeping with the bed with you." I said blushing lightly. "Either you get in this bed or you sleep on the cold hard floor love." Xavier smirked and I climbed into the bed after sighing in defeat. "Im going to kill you if you so much as touch me. Understand?" I said rolling over to face Xavier. "Please. Im going to have to keep you from touching me doll." He chuckled softly. God he was gorgeous. "Whatever." I said rolling back over and shutting my eyes. "Goodnight Evie." Xavier said as he turned off the lights. "Goodnight fuckboy." I said laughing softly. A few minutes later I was being cuddled by Xavier, but I was too comfortable and warm to tell him to get off of me. So, I closed my eyes and drifted off into a deep sleep.

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