Chapter 1

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My alarm woke me at 0600 hours and I rolled over turning it off with a groan. I started to snuggle back into bed when I was hit by a soft, yet relatively dense, object.

"Get out of bed Lyn!", my roommate Adrina yelled to me before smacking me again with the pillow.

"Alright, alright, enough with the pillow abuse!", I called and jumped out of bed into the slightly chilly room. "Computer, increase temperature by 5 degrees", I spoke out loud and the familiar chirp of the computer followed by the emotionless voice replying greeted me. Adrina chuckled as she looked at me, knowing I was very much not a morning person.

"You know I'll have to turn that down later Lyn", Adrina smirked, "you always forget."

I roll my eyes, grabbing my towel and headed to the bathroom. "And you're welcome for the wake-up call", she yelled after me. I turned around and stuck out my tongue as she burst into laughter. Getting hit by a pillow was definitely not how I liked to be woken in the morning.

Entering the bathroom, I closed the door behind me and sighed. Today was set to be a long day and I was already tired from the too long celebrations of the last weekend before returning to the academy. I rose my eyes to the mirror tentatively to assess the damage of my sleepless nights. Final year had arrived, and I needed to top my class if I wanted a placement on a good ship.

Looking at the mirror I saw the too dark bags under my eyes, dark in contrast to my pale skin. My long black hair was messy from sleep, and my blue eyes wide and tired. After a quick shower and dragging a brush through my hair, I put on my grey cadet's uniform, trimmed with yellow across the shoulders. It was the student engineers uniform and I wore it with pride.

Upon emerging from the bathroom, feeling slightly more presentable, I saw Adrina looking as radiant as ever. Her beautiful olive skin glowed brightly against her regulation uniform and her black hair seemed to shine just a bit more than mine. She smiled noticing my as she finished putting her hair in a high bun and dusting off the shoulders of her red trimmed uniform.

"Looking perfect as ever Adrina", I said smiling. She may be beautiful, but she was also relatively shy.

"Stop making me blush Lyn", she replied modestly, zipping up her boots and sliding her pants back over them. I did the same and soon we were grabbing our satchels and heading out into the mildly warm air of the summer.

The walk from our student accommodation in B block to Starfleet academy was only a short ten minutes. By 0730 hours we were both seating in a small café for breakfast before our first classes at 0800 hours.

"Which ships do you think will be up for placements this year, Rina?", I asked whilst sipping my coffee. I longed to work on a ship like the USS Enterprise-D, but it was rare for the best of the best to have room for placement cadets.

"I would love to serve on one of the smaller elite ships", Adrina exclaimed excitedly before rambling on about the constellation class ships. I smiled. That was one thing about being friends with Adrina; once you got to know her she never stopped talking.

As I walked to my first class of the day I looked down at my PADD and reviewed my subject list. Advanced Quantum Warp Theory, Materials and Structural Systems, Advanced Propulsion Systems, Coding Systems, Xenolinguistics and Interplanetary Culture and Final Year Gym. The first four subjects were for my primary, which I had chosen to be engineering, and the fifth for my secondary major. Languages had always fascinated me and when I had to opportunity to take it as my second I jumped at the chance. Luckily so had Adrina and it was the only class the two shared.

Looking at the time, 0756 hours, I hurried along to my first class not wanting to be late on my first day. In my rush, I bumped into something, or rather someone, and stumbled backwards.

"I'm so sorry", I heard a voice say and looked up to see a young man, with tousled brown hair. He was holding a map in his hands and I assumed him to be one of the first-year students, stumbling around for the first time.

I gave him a small smile and stepped to the side to continue on my way.

"Hey, wait up", I heard him call. I stopped and turned to see him rushing after me. He stopped for a moment to catch his breath before he inquired, "Do you know where room A137 is?"

Puzzled, I looked at my timetable to see that my class was also in room A137 as I suspected. Yet I had never seen this young man before and we were part of the same tight knit class.

"You're studying Advanced Quantum Warp Theory?", I asked, "Did you transfer from another institution?" It was unusual to have transfer students, but there was no way that this guy was a first year, not with studying a subject so advanced.

"I studied abroad whilst in space, but Starfleet insisted that I complete my studies here at the academy".

"You lived on a Starfleet ship?" I asked in awe. This young man was certainly a step ahead of all the other cadets already and he only just got here. "I'm Lyn Valore by the way", I said holding out my hand.

"Wesley", the young man said shaking my hand with a smile, "Wesley Crusher".

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